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Community » SydnieStarlight
I guess I'll vote Honchkrow, just for being an evolution of Murkrow~
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298) | Star Rail (601319792)
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What's kind of the process for starting HRT?

I've been, um, let's say "awakened" for a few years now, but pretty much all I've done so far is coming out to a few close friends/family and feminizing my online identity. I had kind of resigned myself for awhile to only being able to be myself in anonymous online spaces, mainly because I'm completely dependent on my parents for financial support and don't know how they would react. But lately, I've been feeling more like they would accept me, and that has me thinking a lot about "someday". It's just, I don't know what the steps to that point look like from where I'm at.
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298) | Star Rail (601319792)
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I think I must have missed a day...or multiple. Oh well!

This is kind of a weak batch, so I guess I'll give it to Buizel. Also, I can't believe it took putting them next to each other for me to realize how lazy Floatzel is as a design. It's just Buizel but bigger. The most recognizable difference between them aside from size is that Floatzel has an extra spot on its belly. I guess a lot of lines are like that, though, really!
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298) | Star Rail (601319792)
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Same way I'd make any other character, I suppose. Just take an idea I like and flesh it out to suit the world I'm working in, then just slap down a "her" and call it a day~
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298) | Star Rail (601319792)
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Impressive Atomic Lament.

Yes, I won the fight, and yes, it looked pretty cool in the moment. But the anguish over the collateral damage is too much to bear!
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298) | Star Rail (601319792)
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TheAwesomeMatt posted...
Probably was cheaper than CGI, can't imagine there is much work for a balrog in other movies
Yes and no. There's tons of demand for balrogs in demon or fire giant roles, but very little for them outside of that niche. It's understandable why many wouldn't want to be typecast like that.
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298) | Star Rail (601319792)
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I am so disappointed to see objectively the coolest gen 4 'Mon losing to a frickin' meme!
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298) | Star Rail (601319792)
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I really like Crawdaunt, and I'm kinda surprised and definitely disappointed to see I'm apparently the only one who does!
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298) | Star Rail (601319792)
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I gotta say, I definitely assumed the incorrect kind of ranch at first and imagined Alex Jones being forced to peddle salad dressing to stay afloat.
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298) | Star Rail (601319792)
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I've had this particular issue since before I ever even made this account, where I can't properly talk about my favorite character in Clannad because the censor is absolutely bound and determined that I'm trying to obfuscate the word "fuck" and won't allow me to post unless I just swear already.
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298) | Star Rail (601319792)
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I've got a personal anecdote that I think might actually provide an explanation for this.

So, I'm a pretty devoted Genshin Impact simp. Recently, I've been seeing stuff about Wuthering Waves, which, to my understanding, is kind of trying to sell itself as Genshin Impact but better. And I was thinking about it, and, like. That may well be true. It very well might do all the same stuff that Genshin Impact does, but on a higher level. Maybe it has a better story, maybe it has more involved combat, maybe it has a ton of QoL stuff I'd love to see in Genshin.

But, y'know. I still love Genshin. I've put a lot of hours into it, and I'm still enjoying the time I spend on it. So I'm thinking, do I want to throw all that away to start fresh with a game that may be technically superior but still fundamentally the same? And the answer, I don't.

And to bring this back to the topic at hand, I think this might be at least one reason that anyone who tries to copy the giants is doomed to fall short in terms of reach. To get to the point, a lot of people may pass up alternatives to big titles because they can just play the big titles instead. You could have the best Pokemon clone anyone has ever designed, but why would I bother playing it if I'm still having fun with Pokemon?
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298) | Star Rail (601319792)
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No, I am not "a right-winger who still feels enough shame to recognize that right-wing policy is indefensible".
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298) | Star Rail (601319792)
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BrohammedAli posted...
* Pretended to be a girl on LUE as a joke only to actually be a girl.
Hashtag frickin' relatable.

Me in my teens and early twenties: "Haha, why do I feel so comfortable roleplaying my female characters in MMOs, lol, so weird."

Me now: "Oh."
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298) | Star Rail (601319792)
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As much as I'd love to, I can't afford to spend $400 just to know Trump gets kicked in the nuts.

...what do you mean, I get the money? That wouldn't make any sense!
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298) | Star Rail (601319792)
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I thought of a warp trotter from Honkai Star Rail, completely unaware that I was about to become Topaz. The only downside to this is the space capitalism, but I'll take it~
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298) | Star Rail (601319792)
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Conceptually, from a gameplay standpoint, a Baton Passer who automatically gains SPD every turn has always appealed to me. In other words, Ninjask gets my vote~
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298) | Star Rail (601319792)
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I could use RNG to randomly pick any scene from the entirety of Clannad and have a really good chance of getting a sad one!
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298) | Star Rail (601319792)
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Pokemon Alpha Sapphire is a very good remake of my absolute favorite Pokemon game of all time, incorporating the best mechanic in the series as part of its main plot. It also has a lot of great QoL stuff, one of my favorites being the ability to track whether or not you've registered every Pokemon that appears in an area. Basically the only complaint I could possibly have about the game is that it's too easy. I would go so far as to say please play it.

HighSeraph posted...
Who should I waifu in Awakening?
Unironically Nowi, although Lissa, Sully, and Maribelle are also fine choices~
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298) | Star Rail (601319792)
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One of Morgan's buster card attacks in FGO.

Yeeeah, I'm pretty sure I don't even exist in particle form anymore.
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298) | Star Rail (601319792)
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I've been waiting for this one! Gardevoir has been my absolute favorite Pokemon since I first fought Wally's in Sapphire. My most prized Pokemon is the perfect shiny Gardevoir I bred in Y and transferred all the way up to...well, Ultra Moon, which isn't that far in the grand scheme of things, but still~
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298) | Star Rail (601319792)
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I absolutely adore the entire Ralts line, so I'm glad they actually happened to be split this time so I could technically throw them two votes~
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298) | Star Rail (601319792)
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Hm, I guess I'll give it to Dunsparce for the story I (think I) told in the poll topic it was originally in~
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298) | Star Rail (601319792)
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Zigzagoon is an earlygame HM MVP in the Hoenn games. I almost always carry one at least for a little while, even if I don't actually use it in battle~
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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Unlimited Blade Works.

I guess I just take over the whole world~
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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specialkid8 posted...
The majority of the main cast was gay or bi. Most of the characters were also into some wild ass sexual degeneracy. Has Mike Flanagan said anything about the sexual themes he was going for? Because there's a lot going on here and most of it doesn't seem relevant to the story or characterization.
Is there some reason they can't be gay/bi? Is there a valid argument that it's harmful to the story or characterization? ("It makes me feel icky" isn't a valid argument, btw.)

EDIT: In the interest of full disclosure, I'm not familiar with the work. I've just seen enough of this kind of post and your posts specifically to know exactly what you're trying to suggest here.
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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The Treecko line is one of my absolute favorite starter lines, but I'm giving it to Sceptile specifically for the sheer coolness of getting Dragon typing upon mega evolving (a trait it only shares with Charizard and frickin' Ampharos of all things)~
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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Oh no! You were casually browsing CE and opened a seemingly innocuous topic to find that the first post was a .gif of a truck in the distance moving slowly toward you! The shock caused you to have a heart attack and die!

Suddenly, you wake up in a generic paradise, sitting on green grass. A few feet in front of you sits unambiguously god, but he insists you call him Frank. As it turns out, hornyposting on CE plays a critical role in keeping multiversal horny levels in check, preventing disastrous horny overload. So to reward you for your tireless efforts, Frank presents you with three buttons and allows you to press one.

If you press the blue button:
You'll be instantly transported to any existing fictional universe of your choice. In addition, you can choose one character from that universe who will be aware of you and receptive to any type of relationship you might want with them. You'll still have to put in the appropriate effort, but as long as you're sincere, they won't turn you away.

If you press the purple button:
You'll be instantly transported to a broad category of universe of your choice (such as fantasy RPG or sci-fi adventure). You'll also instantly acquire incredible talent in a skill or profession of your choice. You'll still need to learn and master the skills yourself, but you'll find it incredibly easy to do so.

If you press the orange button:
You'll be instantly transported to a parallel version of our universe, to any point in time of your choosing except the future. The only differences between this universe and our own are relatively minor ones, like the Coca-Cola logo being blue instead of red, or Nicolas Cage playing Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings movies. You'll also acquire one fairly specific superpower of your choice. (So you couldn't, say, gain the powers of Superman, but you could, for example, gain super strength or the ability to fly.)

No matter which button you press, you'll also gain the ability to change any or even every aspect of your form: appearance, voice, anatomy, anything goes, as long as it's appropriate for the universe you choose. You can only do this once before entering the new universe.

In addition, you'll gain a special phone that only you can see and interact with. This phone will never take damage or break down, it has infinite battery and storage, it will update to a newer version with more power and features whenever you want, and you can summon it to you at will. With it, you have unrestricted access to our universe's internet, which updates with the passage of time in your new universe. (So, for example, after a year in your new life, the internet you see will be the internet of May 2025.) People you talk to will fully trust that you've found a way to communicate from beyond the grave, but they'll dismiss anything you tell them about your new life as a silly story.

If you choose not to press any of the buttons, you begin your afterlife in generic paradise. It's...fine. The scenery is lovely and the weather is always perfect, but there isn't anything to do. You also don't get the special phone, but you can change your form at will. However, everyone recognizes everyone else by their souls, so you can't use this to trick people. Also, you can talk to Frank whenever you want. He has some kinda weird hobbies, but he's mostly pretty chill. Just don't ask him about why he didn't stop various atrocities throughout history, he'll get really defensive about being in the bathroom at the time.

wat do
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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I really loved the third movie as a kid, so Entei is one of my absolute favorites! It easily secures a spot in my top six~
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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HighSeraph posted...
Is that a sequel? I played the original on DS
My understanding is that it's more of a remake with a whole new added storyline. (I never played the DS version, though, so I can't say.)

As for the topic itself, I don't think I've ever seen someone else talk about Stella Glow before, and I, for one, loved it~
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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Vegy posted...
so why does Imu want a world covered in water?
Well, if you were trying to be ruler of a world where your greatest enemies all have superpowers but share the same specific weakness of "the ocean", wouldn't it come in handy for you if the entire world was ocean?~
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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Story time!

When I was a kid and first played Gold, I really wanted a Donphan. (I guess its appearance in the first movie really sold me.) I somehow got it into my head that the place to look for it was that cave early on that you need Flash for. Well, I eventually caught a Dunsparce, and decided that it would surely evolve into Donphan since their names both had the letters D, N, P, and A in that order.

I took that little thing all the way to LV45 before I started thinking it might not evolve into Donphan after all.

...anyway, that's why my vote's for Donphan~
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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I prefer the shock value good ending! You know, everything went wrong, everyone but the hero is dead, and it doesn't even look possible for the hero to win...and then some seemingly minor detail that went completely unnoticed resurfaces and turns the entire situation on its head~
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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So enough money to solve all my immediate problems and I get a permanent "undo recent mistakes" ability? I'd say that's worth the finicky schedule! I can use the 8-ish hours before each sleep doing things like watching anime, learning skills, maybe I can pick up reading again. Things where I don't have to worry about my progress being erased by going back in time~

EDIT: I didn't even think about the possibility of gaming the lottery with this! I genuinely can't see a reason not to take this deal unless you have a super strict schedule that you wanna keep~
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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I mean, the thing is that, if we get Trump, it's going to be despite the fact we didn't actually choose him. He lost the popular vote twice, and only acquired the presidency the first time because we have a broken system where a comparative handful of "representatives" can look at what the people want and say "Nah, I want this guy".

Why does the US - and by extension, the world - deserve to suffer just because a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the population gets to pick and choose whether or not democracy counts?
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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Kinda neat, after I voted, the only votes were three each for Skarmory and Houndoom~

...with me being on team Skarmory, of course! Just a really cool design and I love the typing. I wish it was more of a fast physical attacker, though, I think that would be more in line with the design~
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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Gotta give this one to Steelix. It's just such a cool evolution of an already pretty cool design~

My second choice would've been Forretress, though!
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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I remember getting really fixated on Murkrow as a kid! I don't think I ever even caught one until, like, X/Y at the earliest! And yet, it's my second-favorite gen 2 Pokemon~
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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My first answer is always gonna be Tales of Symphonia! I like to say that, before Symphonia, I was just someone who liked to play games, and after it, I was a gamer. When I first played it, I replayed it about a dozen times in a row just for the enjoyment of it, which remains my wildest gaming memory~

But if I added a few more, let's say a top five, I think I would pick Pokemon Sapphire, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Suikoden V, and Genshin Impact. Sapphire and PoR just have a lot of pure nostalgia power, and SV has a "wild gaming memory" story of its own. Genshin is obviously the odd one out here, but I'm genuinely in love with it and fully intend to stick with it until the end~

EDIT: How in the world did I forget Sonic 3 & Knuckles, the very first game I ever truly played/beat? As much as it pains me, I'm taking SV off that top five list for S3&K.
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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I don't think I can see much value in a one-time return to the place and time I'm at right now. Really, the main issue is that butterfly effect clause. If you can't rely on what you learn being useful, then all you could really use this for is doing some really dumb stuff that'd get you in a lot of trouble and then getting out of the consequences. That doesn't sound like it's worth more than five million to me~
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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The sheep's gotta win!
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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Yeah, but "supersonic" is a more recognizable term than "hypersonic". Like, if you have a character named Sonic, whose entire gimmick is speed, and he has a powered up or "super" form, and the term "supersonic" is right there, are you really gonna just not do it?
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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Hey guys, did you know that Vaporeon deserves to win this poll?
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Cursing of the Black Pearl.

Just two straight hours of pirates swearing at each other.
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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I like owls.
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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Gotta give it to Eevee, what would have been the far more sensible option for the mascot of a series where a major mechanic is monsters evolving to change forms~
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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Easy mode: Ralts + 5 Eevees
"Try some variety" mode: Ralts, Eevee, Rockruff, Fletchling, Beldum, Goomy
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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When I was a kid, I had a dream once about being the one to befriend/tame the only Pokemon in the world, a Chikorita. It's been my favorite Johto starter ever since~
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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Tales of the Abyss. A whole bunch of Nintendo stuff, especially from the GBA and Gamecube era. Someone mentioned Skies of Arcadia (I played Legends), but among Gamecube JRPGs, I'd also love to see both Baten Kaitos games. The whole Suikoden series (I know 1 and 2 are coming, and I hope the rest will follow, especially 5).

Basically, I wanna see all the stuff I'm still holding on to from my GBA, Gamecube, Wii, and PS2 collections, just so I can consolidate all my games on PC and 3DS~
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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I gave it to Dragonair, but Kabutops and Articuno are both also great!
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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While $5k a day would obviously more than cover all my needs forever, I feel like I have an obligation to take the $5b and use it for the greater good of humanity. I doubt I'll have much time to work with, but I'll do what I can while I can.
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
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