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Community » RIPVyseCity
Trump blessed them with paper towels
Give them a $20 scratch off ticket
If you don't go often and it's summer time. It was worth it at Magic Mountain to get the Flash pass
What happened to Aragon actor? Viggo somethingson
No matter what, my car's tires will find a nail/screw
You will be ok your liver on the other jk it's ok to take Tylenol and ibuprofen. You can take tylenol then 2hrs later take ibuprofen. Even for toddlers it's safe to alternate like that. It's how you can keep their fever in check
Titanic. But that was in my past life
Did they not learn from Kobe's crash. Fog is no bueno
I "lost" it in a way that it flew out of my back pocket while on a roller coaster at Magic Mountain. I saw it flying and landing in employee only gated area. Let lost and found know. 3 weeks later I get a call they found it. $200+ cash still in it.
CADE_FOSTER posted...
The man is the most corrupt guy in history and nothing will happen to him maybe house arrest
He going to be on White House arrest. Crazy times
I'm 41 and Drake lost this. At least he still packing tho
We got enough dewormer this time...
They also have a podcast where they review what they remember from the episodes if anyone interested
RIP Ted. He played his part to perfection. Proud murse here!
Killmonger posted...
That yard...
I just went all Karen. Might as well go extreme
They banned Tazos which came in Mexican chips. Tazos>Pogs
They banned pogs :(
Ay mi gente! Love it
Vegy posted...
Favorite:Main event

Least Favorite: da boring usos
Uso crazy. But not really. That match sucked
Seth or Steph? I like Seth
ironman2009 posted...
Just signed up for peacock
That makes two of us
GUTS! Easy
Saw one parking at the Rose Bowl during the Pokemon Go Sinnoh Tour
pegusus123456 posted...
This was just an episode of Friends.
Fun Bobby?
Clerks The Animated Series

My 9 year old has a smartphone that's only used on road trips over 3hrs. When home its just TV. We originally got it so he could play PokemonGo with me
I'm flying there on the 27th. Will keep my eye out for you TC!
Say "Muy caliente!" and you're golden
Community » RIPVyseCity