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DrizztLink posted...
Musky had literally everything in life handed to him on a silver platter and he thinks he built it all himself, up to and including mining the silver by hand.

His entire existence is one of those rich fuckwits who sit in a chair in the back of the boat with a single hand on a pole while actual fisherman so all the work of pulling in a 700 pound swordfish, then he talks about how he fought it by himself in the ocean with a knife.

Literally every single accomplishment was founded on bribery, and he's an idiot with no talent so he even overpaid the fuckin' bribes.

This. He's a partipaction trophy nepo baby who has been protected from ever having to work at anything - so he just kinda thinks he's perfect at everything by default. But because he's just too wealthy, he kind of only ever fails upwards.

He's just literally everything wrong with modern society all wrapped up into one miserable person.
sabin017 posted...
Every one I've seen on the road has been wrapped instead of the naked stainless steel look.

Probably because the stainless steel is actually a really stupid idea for a car. A wrap is at least, better.
TheGreatEscape posted...
i don't follow provincial ontario politics closely but what the fuck has the opposition been doing? I don't understand how Ford can still remain popular

Nobody follows provincial politics closely - except conservatives.

The 2022 election literally had the lowest turnout in provincial history, and this one is also expected to be very low.

argonautweakend posted...
The one from Alberta didn't seem to say much, and PP doesn't seem to say much. JT is going around telling people the 51st state rhetoric isn't a joke and it should be treated as a serious threat.

The response from Alberta was about as close as you could consider treasonous. Alberta's original response to Trump threatening to annex Canada was basically "**** YEAH SHOW THEM LIBS WHOS BOSS STEP ON ME"
The thing there, is that if Pollievre had literally anything to go on, he could have pivoted around the Trump stuff without a ton of problems. Doug Ford in Ontario is somehow the loudest voice against Trump, even though he's basically doing the exact same thing in Ontario, except a little bit quieter and less on the nose. And he's likely going to retain his majority government this month despite having done literally nothing positive in his decade with majority governments.

But Trump has turned things from "Trudeau has done nothing to make things better" to an election about national sovereignty, and Pollievre is a vapid empty space with nothing to him besides bumper stickers, and that very suddenly doesn't work anymore.

Things are going to push harder for the conservatives when its closer to election time (don't forget the oligarch running the United States also controls one of the largest information networks in the world, and literally every media outlet that isn't the CBC is directly owned by rich people supporting the Cons) so its still going to be close. A lot of people simply aren't willing to accept things actually will get worse - meaning they'll vote Conservative regardless.

And NDP has shown to be completely spineless and they'll never get elected anyways. Mark Carney has done a good job setting himself up to be a "different" liberal leader than Trudeau, which is a good thing for the liberals, but that may not be enough.
LightSnake posted...
Do you think he'd ever care?

honestly, I think Rogan might care if you were able to get into his head how much hes fucked everything up. He was a regular guy for like 45 years before his brain melted and he became a 1%er.
I wonder if Rogan will ever get a proper come to Jesus moment and realize how much he became a lynchpin in the destruction of America.

and what a fucking world we live in the Joe fucking Rogan is a lynchpin for the collapse of America.
Its such a problem that everything is still getting worse at every new bit of news.

We have to be getting close to Rock Bottom, right?
NeonPhoenix posted...
Metal Claw does shit damage. Yeah, it's super effective, but youre going off a pitiful attack stat, using a non-STAB move on a pokemon with 160 defense. Using Ember still does more damage cuz of their low special

Add to this FRLG Brock actually has rock type moves, and that Onix will out-Rock Tomb your weak Charmander much faster than Charmander can Metal Claw it down.
Hayame_Zero posted...
He's only got 2 months left in his career with minimal appearances, so nothing would really make a difference.

Nor does it need saving because they're in a creative and financial boom period.

Cena's going until the end of the year, not WM.

Still, there's not really any gain to turning Cena heel at this point. Its not something anyone really benefits from, it doesn't do anything for Cena, won't do anything more for whoever beats him to retire him, there's just no point to doing so.
Its still early - he has to create the appearance that he's doing things the "right" way, so he'll get caught overstepping a few times and back off, but every move he makes will creep closer and closer to it until he just does it again and nobody bats an eye.

He's got to give any semblance of opposition some "moral victories" so the GOP can claim the real victories.
ngl, when I saw that obvious AI image profile pic I thought it was definitely a white dude larping. Very surprised it was someone with enough self-awareness to realize the consequences of his actions, even as kind of as this was.
Jeff_AKA_Snoopy posted...
I can't think of the last time AEW pushed a narrative or story angle that I cared about anywhere NEAR how much I care about the Bloodline stuff, or CM Punk and Seth's ongoing story. It is just as important for a wrestling federation as is the in-ring product, and AEW is lacking in it quite a bit.

tbf, anything Hangman Page does has like, years of build surrounding it - he's IMO legit the best pro wrestler today and should have AEW focused around him.

But outside of the one or two main things, it's just not too compelling from that perspective.

There also seems to be a reluctance to really push outside of comfort zones - like AEW spent like 5 years building MJF into a top-of-the-card talent, and he loses the title and is out on injury for a while - that sucks, but it happens. But he comes back, immediately turns heel (regressing his character like, 3 years) and then ends the year by recycling the angle nobody wanted to be brought back from the year before. It makes it feel like AEW doesn't want you to care about their long-term stories like they used to.

And when you get that vibe that the company doesn't care about you paying attention to these stories, the ones that are well done don't hit as hard, and the ones that aren't done well look even worse.
Yes. Voting is literally the bare minimum of what you should be doing.

When you vote, you vote for the best available option that's most likely to support your opinions. That means making some sacrifices to vote for the "least bad option" or the option that is least bad with your support. In the US, that means voting Democrat every election.

The 4 years between elections (or 2 years if counting midterms) is when you push for more out of your elected officials, or for more progressive candidates and policies.
masterpug53 posted...
Fallout 4.

Honestly, all of the BGS games fits this pretty well. Fallout 3, Skyrim, Starfield all hit the exact same vibe.
Its gonna be crazy in like, 40 years when the United States is basically a third world country, telling people it used to be the "greatest country in the world" and in some ways it was actually pretty accurate.
Strider102 posted...
Never underestimate an incompetent individual in a position of power, it also doesn't help he's rich.

Yeah. Elon is literally too rich to do anything except fail upwards. Nobody in that position is ever competent.
Rob_the_Ninja posted...
Musk will destroy it from the inside.

Yeah Musk has invaded and taken over the Treasury now. Congress doesn't even really matter because Elon controls where all the money goes.

So even if Congress doesn't "officially" vote to shut down the Department of Education, Musk and his cronies will just stop funding it, doing literally the same thing. Congress doesn't matter, republicans don't matter, Trump doesn't matter anymore.
WingsOfGood posted...
people around Trump don't like Musk

but Trump does LMAO

Trump doesn't either.

But Elon is the main reason Trump won the election, and Elon owns the biggest propaganda outlet in modern history. Trump knows to not bite the hand that feeds.
NoxObscuras posted...
I'm more interested in the fact that they said "It doesn't play as big of a role in this version of the story." I wonder how much they're changing

Yeah I don't know if I like that - the whole Abby section is a huge part of the reason TLOU2 hits so hard - its gonna be worse if she's basically just a generic antagonist.

Unless its something like the Ellie section of TLOU2 will be season 2, and the Abby section will be season 3, but still.
I figured Civ 7 would end up very similar to previous titles - that it'll be great in like 3 years when all of the DLC is out and the whole package costs $20.

But as a vanilla titile on its own it'll be a bit lacking, but fine enough for the game it is.
Having something more structured definitely helps, especially in something like guitar, where you can have someone sort of be there and recognize if you're building any bad habits or something. You can't get this with YouTube videos, regardless of how good they are.

But it is something you can do on your own - there's a YouTube channel called Justin Guitar? that has a whole playlist about starting to learn guitar, including super-basic stuff like how to properly hold your pick, and how to hold the guitar when playing. It should theoretically be able to cover most of the "really beginner" stuff.
Son_Of_Spam posted...
I heard elsewhere he was delaying until March 1st. Then somewhere else I heard he's not delaying. I don't know what to believe anymore.

That was supposedly the plan, but then the idea leaked, so they seemed to have gone "well that's gonna make us look like cowards because it immiedately throws away all our leverage, so let's just do it"

I imagine Trump might still stop it from going through at literally the last moment, pretending Canada/Mexico caved on something nonexistent.
I mean, Rogan's brain has been melted since Covid - nobody was under the impression he wasn't a righty.

But he still has the general vibe of a "wants to talk to everyone", so it could be seen as a bit of a surprise that Rogan wanted to keep Harris out of his studio, and then say its because she didn't want to do it.

And ngl, it probably had a pretty significant impact.
They have the most important bit of diplomacy to figure out.

How long Israel has to wait to continue mowing down Palestinians for Trump to still get a win out of the "ceasefire"
Just like a good puppet.

totalnerdken posted...
During that one recent press conference, Trump was literally just signing executive orders that were plopped on his desk while he focused on talking to the media.

Then he had one statement that was like "you've never seen Biden have a press conference like I'm doing right here" (I'm paraphrasing, I don't remember the actual quote).

But as I'm watching that, I'm like "yeah, Biden would actually read the executive orders, not just blindly sign them".

Trump was literally going "what's this one for?" and then just signing it. ****ing insane.
Reportedly he went backstage and immediately collapsed, I hope he's okay.
I've never seen Clueless.

Heathers is like, okay? Its not bad, but I can see why it didn't really become one of the 80's "classics".

Mean Girls is excellent, though I haven't watched it in a very long time, so I may have some nostalgia goggles here. But it still gets my vote.

Though if anyone wants to watch Heathers, its one of those movies that's just, on Youtube in its entirety:
It was never the "spying on our users and selling their data" the government had any issues with - it was purely that it wasn't being done by Americans.

And that'll sure show the Chinese - now they need to pay Zuck for that data instead of getting it themselves.
Don't worry, when it actually happens they'll all fall in line and pretend it wasn't the case they ever thought it was weird.

They might even have someone make an alt-account to pretend they're a lefty that's just so happy with how supportive the conservative subreddit full of nazis is.
darkmaian23 posted...
I'd like to believe the extreme conservatives that lie and gaslight about Elon's "straight arm salute" don't represent all or even the bulk of them.

The conservatives that don't support stuff like Elon's "straight arm salute" aren't the kind of people who will go to the r/conservative subreddit.

The people who go there go there because they're too far gone for their daily life.
wackyteen posted...
Not saying he's right on the trans issue but the Democrats do have a perception problem and the GOP is dogwalking them on many issues that the Dems should be championing.

Democrats are essentially trying to fight the culture war instead of ignoring the bullshit and winning voters over with important issues like workers rights, financial/social security nets, etc

But it looks like the party isn't going to learn its lesson and is going to roll over and die.

Democrats aren't busy "fighting the culture war instead of focusing on important issues" - they aren't fighting at all.

Republicans get to totally control the narrative at all times because Dems don't want to really fight back.
creativerealms posted...
Democrats abandoned trans people. Really in the 2024 election the only time trans issues were brought up was when conservatives were demonizing them. Dems were silent.

This. Democrats completely abandoned any semblance of "culture war" issues trying to appeal to the nazis. And it sounds like that even though it obviously didn't work, they're doubling down on it.
WingsOfGood posted...
this isn't cool, it paints them as pathetic "oh no you don't have the right accent!" all the while he can't tell his greatest enemy is right next to him

please stop

you are treading a dangerous line trying to prove "wow Nazis looked COOL in Wolfenstein"

You're expecting people can read.

The nazis in Wolfenstein weren't cool - they had power and looked intimidating. That scene I posted is two losers with all of the power in the situation abusing it. And there's nothing you can do about it. And a ton of people think this is super cool, provided they aren't the ones on the bottom. This is literally the way Trump paints himself.

Let's try another example - The entire plot of American History X is about Edward Norton regretting his past as an express white supremacist. But there are still people who will look at that one scene of Norton curbstomping that guy and getting sent to prison and go "yeah, but wasn't that kinda cool though? Wasn't he better when he was an uncucked alpha who didn't take any shit from anyone?" It doesn't really matter what the actual text is saying there.
I can't wait for Trump to make it illegal to not sponsor X.
WingsOfGood posted...
lmao what?

But like, Mecha-Hitler.

Nazis don't understand subtletly. And like, most of the nazis outside of literally Hitler is treated as a lot more threatening and a lot of people who lean into this really just want power.

Something like this:

I can easily see someone seeing this blatant power move here as a "cool" thing for those random nazis, without making the connection that they'll be KKK guys put under the boot instead.
CRON posted...
Crazy how so many people still idolize the man despite him being barely able to communicate. He can't go a single sentence without mumbling and stuttering. That alone should just subject him to endless shame and mockery. Even all the Nazi bullshit aside, there's something so viscerally offensive about Elon trying to imitate how a human talks but not getting it.

The most frustrating thing about this return to fascism we're living through is that all the fascists are also such huge fucking losers. Stuff like Wolfenstein made Nazi's seem like actual threatening people and I can understand seeing it as kind of cool.

But we get Elon Musk who wants to lie about being a hardcore gamerbro.
What a way to say "I have a miserable unhealthy relationship"
He's preparing for all the Dems to pretend he was principled and actually cared about the country when he leaves office and possibly dies.

The Dems do need something to point to.
I wonder how they intend to twist in 2032 when Trump "runs" for a fourth term.

Or what happens when instead of stepping down, Trump makes one of his kids president.
He wants an early election because for some baffling reason, Doug Ford is immensely popular, hitting a hot streak now by (for some god-forsaken reason) being the only prominent politician who isn't tripping over themselves with Trump literally threatening to annex Canada, and who's popularity will crumble hard the longer Trump is allowed to do stuff, as a fellow conservative and the understanding Ford is doing the exact same shit Trump is, just with slightly better optics.

Its a good thing for Ford to back up Canada "not being for sale" because it also gleefully dodges the fact that he, himself is for sale.

Its the most obvious move for Ford to call an election ASAP - waiting only hurts him, and if he can retain his majority government (there are zero liberals or NDP with any traction to stand up to him right now) He's basically being given permission to end the provincial healthcare and gut the province for his developer buddies.
Well, they want to oppress all Americans, but they definitely want to oppress women. Making every American a woman allows them to do both at the same time. We elected President Musk to make the government more efficient, didn't we?

Or Trump is actually the wokest president.
Mephistron posted...
So if 2% isn't that high, why can't Canada maintain it?

Canada is in the middle of actively raising the %of GDP they spend on defence - they've been doing so for a while now.
Mephistron posted...
So if they think they are so safe then why even bother being in nato?

They then won't even need to spend 1% of gdp in their military since they think they will be protected by the usa

Because that's just basic diplomacy. It's important to keep a good relationship with the other major countries in the world, andd most of them are in NATO. The ones that aren't are what NATO was made to protect against.

So its pretty simple to join in, and 1-2% of GDP on your military isn't that high a cost to easily maintain a positive relationship with most countries that could ever become a problem.
Hospy posted...
They don't have the money and they have no ambitions to use their military for anything so naturally it's being slowly depleted.

Where would Canada even send their military? They have Oceans in 3 directions, what is supposed be a major ally both as both of their current land borders, and there hasn't been a major war in close to a century that would even get Canada involved.
I think the issue is that late game is typically pretty boring. You've already got everything set up, so it's basically just a bunch of turns of general maintenance until the ticker finally goes over and you win. There are times when it's not the case, but you can typically figure out you're winning (or if not, who is) with like,10-50 turns to spare depending on game speed.

I get the idea, but also making a game seem like "basically start over every era" has to be different enough from "why don't I just start the game in the medieval era?". Maybe if there was like, only certain civs could evolve into others, so playing any one civ in theory can go like a dozen different ways in a single game, but you couldn't just take a "meta" B-line to get the best win every game.

Or maybe like, a double down on bonuses by not evolving your civilization? Like you can say "No, I want to stay Alexander for another era" and get like +50% to whatever the current Greece bonuses are.

I get why it's being done, and I get why it could be both really good and really bad - so I guess we'll see how it turns out.
The problem is that all the current nazis running the USA are all huge ****ing losers that you have to brainwash people into liking. Wolfenstein has nazis that seem like their powerful and cool and exactly the kind of thing MAGA would look at and go "yeahhhh, but isn't he kind of cool?"

If MAGA was walking around with Mecha-Hitler's I fully believe they would unironically have more support. Trump should love something stupid like this that makes him look like a threat and not a cuck for oligarchs.
Its very funny he's in the hospital for literally being too full of shit.
Zikten posted...
I don't like the feature of changing civilizations mid game. Some civilization clone a few years ago had that feature and it's part of why I never played it. We should stay the same civilization all game.

I kind of get the idea that like, your "civilization" will evolve over time, even if things don't greatly change - it's not like modern day Greece is still worshipping Zeus or anything.

Though I can see why that would come off weird, so I think it'll have to wait to see how the gameplay turns out for me to fully support/hate it.

It doesn't seem to be what we're getting, but I love the idea that you could like, merge civilizations into one unified kingdom or something. I think that would be a cool gimmick if two nations placed like 4th and 5th just join up and suddenly become a powerhouse. Maybe with extra limitations, or you risk separating again.
Prototypic posted...
And by "without ideological bias" he of course means "full of ideological bias in his favor".

Its gonna be like that first time they tried launching a twitter AI bot, and within liek a day it was a full-blown nazi.
How is this going to impact that AI dumbass the other day who said they could use AI to cure cancer?

That definitely couldn't have just been stupid word salad because Trump was giving them half a trillion dollars for no reason?

Prismsblade posted...
Article mentioned a freeze on some studies but no mention of cancer research or anything specific from what I could tell.

The article mentioned a ton of restrictions on the national institute of health - which is both where most of the research into any kind of medical support (i.e., cancer research), but also the majority of the funding for researchers at say, universities who want to study these things.

Also a communications pause, hiring freeze, and ban on travel - meaning any findings that are made are now stopped from being shared, and we won't let you go to a place where it would matter anyways. In theory the communications pause may end next week, but who knows.

This is also much more significant than has been done in previous administrations - suggesting this is basically a part of Trump actively attacking anything in the country that's remotely competent.

The tweet is using cancer-research as an attention-grabbing headline, but the case is actually so much worse. Because it isn't specifically cancer, its everything.
I think the most frustrating part of the fascist takeover and destruction of modern society is what a bunch of ****ing losers all these oligarchs are.
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