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Community » Music_Rock_Cat
Hybrid Heaven
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Lived in Gaza City originally now homeless during the first wave of bombings. She's had to camp and travel with other civilians heading south. She didn't tell if she made it to Rafah or not. There would be weeks of no communication then she would show up online int he morning hours.
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
Any update? @music_rock_cat

Recently no response from her.

Here's some older convos to show I did talk to her facebook alot in the past
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
ohh shit ive been smoking too much this morning again
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
Smallville posted...
why shouldn't it have been launched that morning? cold?

The O-Rings on the Challenger were Frozen that morning
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
One of the engineers told them that the shuttle shouldn't be launched on that morning but was ignored and laughed at afterwards by NASA.
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
Theres a crap ton of pictures of US Mercenaries in Gaza on the Forward Observation Group page on Instagram. Clear USA Patch on the soldiers clear as day with them alongside Israeli Soldiers and Tanks.
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
Touch posted...
But on your 1000th sneeze, you die.

Do you take the offer?

Yes cause its either immorality with some serious emotion damage over time
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
Amira my penpal in Gaza kept calling me through Google Voice and leaving messages asking how I was at 3am ish which would've been 10am-ish in Gaza.

I didn't answer in time cause I was passed out now I can't even return calls back to the number that was used
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
misterbum posted...
+1 for the Palatine reference

I went to church there in the late 2010s then idk if you know Mary Boydston who lives in the area
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
JuanCarlos1 posted...
Seems to be recognized as such at over 140 countries. You can guess which dont.

This one globe at Goodwill had Palestine underneath Israel in tiny letters from the 80s or some shit
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
its good
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
oh my dear lord.....

You need a hell of a sizeable military and arms with you to pull coups off in Africa. Burkina Faso if you tried that you'll get toasted by Russian Troops that are stationed in the country of BF.
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
Steffenfield posted...
How's the character creation?

In the original, one could spend hours trying to get the perfect starting roll.

Kind of the same, not alot of portraits to choose from though. Same rolling stats and choosing points for what stats you want. Only 5 classes to chose from though.
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
The23rdMagus posted...
Oh, and you'd better make a map and write down the spell names.

New one has the spells listed out with their effects and the map following effect to make it easier. The monster parties usually come in bigger hordes though.
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
Irony posted...
So like Ultima?

That and Dungeon and Dragons and old school Shin Megami Tensei games. First person in dungeon, easy to get lost, lots and lots of planning or death.
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
Irony posted...
Idk what that is

Wizardry the long running Welsh RPG series from wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy back like the Apple 2 days
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
Got it for Switch, its pretty fun so far
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK are back with their new album. The hard ass scary boy band who taught you how to be Hangin' Tough and how to Step by Step tell a woman she's your Cover Girl

Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
I still watch it all the time on pluto TV
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG

This Bear is a tank in size. Last sighting was Sunday night, it hasn't appeared yet anywhere close.
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
archizzy posted...
People can laugh at me all they want but I was big into some of the cool stuff you could find on Etsy for awhile and I had a woman who made custom potholders send me a couple sets with a design I picked out and the colors I liked.

I cook literally all my meals from home and never eat out so I cook every day and use my kitchen A LOT so I thought they were pretty cool. I love them.

I also had a really nice wooden custom 3 drawer custom vegetable bin with a breadbox on top made for me too.

that sounds tight actually
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
TruANT was good too
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
nobody here had it yet either so I got Vanilla coke instead
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG

Im pretty sure you remember them from 2001
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
wait what? I love coconut iom gonna go to gas staion now
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
Lead Singer Donita Sparks is 61 years old and still rocks the fuck out live if you ever ctach them in your city
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
They were one of the few all female grunge bands that could rock just as hard as the main grunge bands could
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
it was ok I only demo'd it though

alot of the female gamers at work think its the greatest thing ever but idk
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG

I started buying from him recently and he has great prices that are reasonable. I had the Candy from Fighting Vipers designs put on a shirt and a coffee mug recently from him that are tight. He'll do just about any video game character on request
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
what brands and flavors have you guys tried for the fuck of it

I have Sour Apple Ice Geek Bar, in the past I had Elfbar TE6000 Vanilla Ice Cream which is good but doesnt make you quit any smoking or vaping. Evobars were better airflow wise when hitting it. Evobar Blue Raspberry Ice tasted just like Sonic the Hedgehog popsicles.
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
3rd one sucked ass
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
kind9 posted...
Nicotine vape is highly addictive. Nicotine is an addictive substance, but also as someone else mentioned, it's just easier & more convenient to vape than to light up a cigarette, so you find yourself doing it more frequently.

Nico Vape is highly addictive cause you just puff on it and go about your business
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
I just use Geek Bar which tastes okish and last a long time. I started smoking in my high school years with other people and that was the only thign to get me off cigarettes.

If you're gonna vape, choose one that isn't the greatest yet worst tasting. Evobar and Elf Bars literally taste like Candy and Ice Cream leading to you buying more vapes
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
I only have pokemon and Final Fantasy cards that are probably worth 10 cents each right now
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
This guy made a 3D game with RPG Maker MV plugins
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
RPG Maker MV I reccomend as you can get extra plugins for free that will tweak the game out and make it better

MZ is out but idk anything about the latest Maker out
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
The Jukeboxes in the Bar have tracks too like SEGA music, L7, 2pac,

311 did most of the city tracks from their b-sides album
The cool thing about making free games is you can use all the music you want
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
I just took the first one I could find lol
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
solosnake posted...
cool, have you considered trying other game making software?

I tried Fighter Creator on Steam in hopes of creating a Eternal Champions type game but that engine sucked. MUGEN Ill try a bit, Unreal 5 I wanted next on my next PC along with Jo Engine(Sega Saturn engine for PC)

BignutzisBack posted...
Post a clip

beta footage from Jan/Feb, the butterflies and everything else was fixed later including the Mummy's botched speech on Iron Maiden. The Cop cars scold you in the final version while other street cars can run you over and kill you.
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
ImAMarvel posted...
I have so many questions.

How long did it take you to make it? What language did you code it in? Engine? Did you make the art assets yourself?

! year on and off by myself. It used RPG Maker MV with a crap ton of custom plugins that I downloaded and bought. I'd say about 30% percent of the art was made my me with me having to ask or pay for the rest. I think I paid maybe 30-40 bucks for the whole game, It could've turned out better as I removed some stuff but somebody gave me 5 bucks on Itch.Io it wont tell me who.
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
Devil Summoner and Soul Hackers 1 on Sega Saturn are also fun if you wanted more SMT with the first person view. Devil Summoner is hard but super fun.
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
My birdfeeders might get raided as I feed like 10 different birds including some ducks that walk up to the porch.

The fast food restaurants always get the animals raiding the trash bins at night
Latest game made, 2D open world RPG
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