Egg Fu.Morison renamed him Chang Tzu and made him less racist and much more horrifying.
For this to be challenging you need to pick something like Wonder Woman or Green Lantern still happily eat both.
Why would this even surprise anyone the whole campaign was inept and cartoon evil. They punted on maybe the biggest actual voting issue for independents. This is a large reason independents stayed homes.What fucking cartoons are you watching?
You've titled this topic "literally hitler", yet you've posted an AI-generated picture of him, which means it's literally not hitler.Cest ne pas un Hitler?
You sure are using interesting logicIts called math. You may have heard of it.
His comments are out of pocket.More like out of pouch.
His self-aware humor is also lifted pretty handily from Ambush Bug.And not something Rob was responsible for, Deadpool didnt develop his actual personality until Gail Simone and Joe Kelly.
I can understand people blaming the Democratic Party for what Trump is doing, given their complete absence and dereliction of duty when it comes to opposing or speaking out against any of what Trump is doing, as well as their totally abysmal election campaign which demonstrated a complete lack of interest in their own base of support, revealing that they don't really care about winning and have just as much to gain from a Trump presidency as the rest of the political elites.This may be the dumbest fucking thing Ive ever read.
But blaming the Left more generally for everything that Trump is now doing is hilariously bad take and nothing more than shallow, hypocritical posturing from spineless partisan loyalists who are still intellectually incapable of understanding why they lost in the first place.
I'm not quite sure what Trump is doing exactly that the Democrats wouldn't also be doing if they'd won, and in fact already had been doing for the last 15 months. The only difference is the Democrats are more sneaky about it and gaslight you with PR spin and self-righteous proclamations about their commitment to human rights and international law and blah blah, all while continuing to do genocide anyway. At least Trump just says the quiet part out loud without all the duplicity and deception so that there can be no mistake about his intentions. It sure is refreshing to hear a US President openly admit to genocide and ethnic cleansing for once.
Yeah that was one of the biggest reasons I left my old job. They basically threw me into a management position that I told them a thousand times that I did not want. But the fun part about a full time employee at my old job was that they could just transfer you to any one of our stores at any time. So instead of working at the location thats ~20 minutes away from my home, they had me schlepping out to a location almost an hour away. And definitely did not compensate me well enough for Even the internet wouldnt try to turn Quasimodo into a waifu
Anyway, this is supposed to be a meme topic right?
While I realize "Il Duce" is pronounced "ill doo-che", pronouncing it as "doose" is so much more obviously fitting.Il Douche. makes you fat?
Suddenly his bizarre actions and skin tone alternation make much more sense if he was a yellow lantern who was powered by causing as many people worldwide as possible to feel fearOrange is the color of greed, actually.
If I see it in public, I'll take the murder charge.