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Community » LeCh0nk
AceMos posted...
tell me whats "funny" about it
Uhh, it makes me laugh. Hahaha, like that.

I don't think very hard about it, but I guess it's because it takes that slightly thick face Aloy has in the second game and turns it up to 11. Like the ridiculousness and realism of it is funny.

Edit: ehhh, screw that explanation. It's just funny. People, don't get offended by every little thing. It'll make you much happier in the long run.
Quezovercoatl posted...
It definitely says more about some people than it does about Aloy that the worst thing they can think of to say to a woman is "you're fat lol".
It's just a funny picture, that's all.

Kami_no_Kami posted...

You can conjure granola that's a combination of a bunch of different nuts, seeds, grains, fruits, etc? That could solve world hunger, and in a healthy way too, as tons of people have mentioned.

You can also conjure up granola in all the nuclear missiles silos, jamming them up and preventing nuclear annihilation
Nirvanas_Nox posted...
FFX Bahamut
This and the Blue Eyes White Dragon
Gotham is the only city where the buildings aren't constantly being destroyed.

Yeah I'll take it.
Guide posted...
So to tl;dr it for the guys asking: A fractal-like pattern happens when Things Change on a fundamental-enough scale, and the brains of humans, and at least a few other animals, always have that pattern going on.
So to put it in layman's terms, our brains are constantly in a state of change at a molecular level?
Pikachuchupika posted...

This article provides more explanations at the end in terms of practicality:

We getting close to real AI and cyberpunk.
Explain this to me like I'm 5
DToast posted...
It is being addressed internally..
can the confrontation (by the police or Stero or whomever) be videotaped?
DKBananaSlamma posted...
Watch DToast post the camera feed footage of some security guard denying him at the gate and dragging him to the parking lot
I hope it's like that skit that someone did in 2020 where Donald Trump was playing with a ball and Secret Service kicked him out of the White House kicking and screaming like a toddler.
Personally, I'm all for options. But I know myself enough to know if I can bullshit myself a way into "cheating" (i.e. reloading on a self imposed ironman, or using a save editor), I'll probably do that.

In that sense I do need forced restrictions for any "challenge runs". I'll probably never complete a nuzlocke because as much as I like the idea, I know I'll give myself an out if I lose a Pokemon (e.g. shit rng)
haloiscoolisbak posted...
Is that true? Like surely there was a period in history where they were the primary weapon of most armies right? 14th-17th century maybe? Pirates must have used them as their main weapon or else pirate folklore is the biggest gaslighting ever

I agree they're overused in fantasy though. I really like spears, halberds and lances. Made Elden Ring really easy being able to keep a safe distance between yourself and most enemies
Maybe in certain circumstances they were primary weapons, but I'm pretty sure when we're talking about the battlefield, swords were outclassed by pretty much everything else. They're portable, that's all. Spears have a longer reach, axes and hammers have more power and force, etc.

I can't remember where I heard this, but swords were there in case you lost your main weapon, or where used in short range situations. They're easier to carry vs other weapons too, so I guess people would carry them everywhere like you would carry a pistol today instead of an assault rifle.
Swords are so boring and overused in fantasy lol. Historically they were sidearms. Gimme a good glaive any day of the week; so much more interesting to write a fight scene that involves different weapons.
Planes will now be flown with a wiimote
Thunderous Darkness Knee.
are they tasty? I feel like a buffet at an anime convention could be a perfect way to stop the invasion.
Are the blue checkmarks having a fit about this in the comments?
amen. the sweatlords ruin it for everybody
Mad-Dogg posted...
Who posted #4
This, but unironically
Gray_Areas posted...
Uh oh, you're gonna be banned for saying that.
Oh nice, this actually sounds good. They even Miranda Otto narrating.
At least with the Sith it'll be over quickly
who posted
thronedfire2 posted...
has anyone photoshopped him as a goblin yet?
yup. Here ya go

<img src="">
Why blank out the name
Toonstrack posted...
"Rightfully dogpiling" should be shut down, so good on them. It adds nothing to the board, incentivizes users on both ends of the dispute to violate TOS and accomplishes little else
I - I hid the antidote to your love interest's illness in the - dies
You've shrunk, so it looks larger than it is
Livestream myself eating as many hamburders as possible while naked.

And they'll be vegan.
Does Texas have other modes of transportation?

What a fucking joke of a country. "Please limit your use of vehicles to save the ozone, but also fuck trains and buses, and all the rich people will keep flying and driving trucks so large they couldn't see a fully grown human right in front of them. Oh, also fuck sidewalks."

Drives thru's should be banned everywhere.
There's about 200mg in a large McDonald's iced coffee, so that.
David1988 posted...
maybe its not a lie then? food for thought
The TC has never talked to a woman not related to him, let alone been in a relationship with one.

Did someone save that epic roast of him someone put in the banned vegy topic?
Cartoon_Quoter posted...
no, perfect flop. But it needs to be 2 maybe even 4 inches more across.
That's what she said.

I take my ban with good grace.
SoIidLegacy posted...
I honestly don't mean to be a dick, but is anyone here actually looking forward to seeing this whole thing through? I mean, I get that some people really really like Pokmon, like to the point where they've played every generation, perhaps every game, and have their favorites in every era, but let's just take a moment to consider the fact that we're in round 36 of the preliminaries, and we're currently at Generation 3 (out of 9).
I'll probably stop voting once we get to gen 5 or 6, but I think it's still a fun thing to do. These preliminaries have some interesting matchups. Some with multiple powerhouses and others full of weak picks.

This one's on the weaker end, but I gotta give it to my man Peter Griffin.
I'm confused.
Y'all know everyone who's defending this behavior in this topic is trolling, right? None of the elderly curmudgeons on this site would think having your parents in an interview is a good thing.
MangaBroski posted...
Also, why is the bean burrito cheaper than the cheesy bean and rice burrito?
Because having one ingredient is generally cheaper than having multiple.
furb posted...
Hobbits age a bit slower than men. Elves basically don't die unless killed. Dwarves live much longer than men.

Bilbo was considered abnormally old for a Hobbit at the point of his departure in Fellowship. Not like impossibly old, but oddly old and spry. He was 111 or something.
I think the oldest Hobbit, the Old Took, lives to 144 or something. Perrin beat that.
Irony posted...
Was it 19?
Wait no, just googled it. It was 17.
Irony posted...
Bilbo doesn't age fast, the movies aren't good at showing time go by. For example there's like a 10-year gap between Gandalf leaving to do research and coming back to talk to Frodo
It's like 19 years lol
GeminiDeus posted...
I don't think I could do it without giving a lot of thought to what I was trying to say, or just tacking on words to the end of a sentence to something something day.
People giving thought to what they're saying
Would make the world a lot better for playing
If everyone would just stop and think
There wouldn't be such a stink
Witcher 2 was a better game than 3. The boss fights felt like a proper fight where you had to prepare like a witcher would, and drink your potions before you left town.
ROBANN_88 posted...
The real question is, would killing/stopping Gavrilo Princip stop ww1?
The guy that killed archduke Franz Ferdinand? No. That was the catalyst, but tensions were brewing long before. Stopping that would just kick the can down the road a little bit.

Same with stopping Hitler, or Trump.
Beany posted...
This is your response to someone saying Adolf Hitler was scared of the Soviets? Do you even hear yourself?

Perhaps the reason Hitler was more scared of the Soviets than the Allies was because they were responsible for 80% of Nazi casualties.
whose shitty ass alt are you?

I notice how you cut off the part of my message where I say:
Hell, Stalin's regime was responsible for millions of deaths itself.

The Soviets pillaged and raped their way through Berlin.

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