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Community » King_Rial
Will from Moonlighter.

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Sharing Cookies!
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WBD is going to sue because they claimed they did match the deal, and the current contract should force the NBA to re-sign with them.
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I...don't know...
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Ooh. What are we eating?
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Orca Comics?
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Waddlez posted...
What do you do
If I recall, he's like a corrections officer? I think he's currently working Juvi, if I'm not mistaken.
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littlebro07 posted...
iirc that happened when he tried to quit it right
No. It eventually deteriorates the user until you die a painful death. Until a counter agent was created.
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mercurydude posted...
They look gross in the commercials... Like hockey pucks.
And it was.

So my brother was taking our mother to a doctor's appointment. After they left she wanted some Arby's and they ordered some stuff. He ordered a chicken sandwich. Checked the bag before they left and there was a missing sandwich. So he gets them back to the window and they begrudgingly give him the chicken sandwich he ordered. Except it wasn't a chicken sandwich. It was a hamburger wrapped in the chicken sandwich wrapper. And it was pretty much a dry puck.
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Emphasis on "cake", ya?
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I use Google... A lot.... >______> 13 days.
History was made at Subaru Park on Wednesday night as homegrown midfielder Cavan Sullivan became the youngest player to make his regular-season debut among the top North American professional sports leagues.

Sullivan's historic debut comes at 14 years, 293 days old when he took to the pitch in the 85th minute of the Union's match against New England Revolution. Sullivan breaks the record by 13 days held by Freddy Adu who was 14 years and 306 days old.

Sullivan signed a MLS record deal with the Union on May 9, 2024, which made him the youngest player in club history to be added to the first team roster, and the fifth youngest player to sign a first-team contract in MLS history. Since his signing, the 14-year-old has made five start swith Philadelphia Union II in MLS NEXT Pro and has scored in each of his last two matches.
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Buddy lookin like he about to risk it all.
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KingThing posted...
My friend from grade school who was considered a family
Oh, shit man. Sorry to hear that.
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R.I.P. Shannen.
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Physical pain, or just emotional pain?
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It was just her birthday. She was born on the 4th of July.
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"Just admitted"? That's a video from CSPAN3 from 8 years ago.
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HudGard posted...

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I was hoping it would lead to that!
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It's not, but the music is tops.
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Sayoria posted...
Why does he look like Ben Affleck's long lost brother?
I don't see it, myself.
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Adam >>>> Casey
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That was yesterday.
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Asherlee10 posted...
I'm sure it'll be back up soon
Hopefully, but it's been down for nearly 3 hours now. Which I know isn't a ton of time, but as an entitled gamer, that is not an insignificant amount of time.
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R.I.P. Nujabes.
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Is that a Gameboy?
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I don't fly at all. But if I were to fly, depending on where I'm going, I don't know if I'd have much of an actual choice.
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This is pretty much what I was expecting and was posting about the other day. Sending back to Judge Chutkan to adjudicate which acts are official and which acts aren't. Buying Trump more time.

Disgusting, but we know what kind of people they are.
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Nah. Looks like his head is a dew drop.
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Someone voted against Reggie?
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A murder of crows.
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ClayGuida posted...
I mean assuming we know how conservative judges will decide cases is pretty asinine, so putting your faith behind a twitter or youtube star is kind of silly. Do you also put your portfolio in the hands of Jim Cramer?

I'm just saying putting this much stock into what someone says is pretty silly. Plenty of other 'legal experts' have said they'll do things different.

As we're on a message board, personally I think they'll just do the absolute worst thing, then tell us to fuck ourselves, like they've done with 90% of their decisions since 2021.
Here is a another article backing up that same line of thought.

And this one as well.

I'm just alerting people to this possibility. If they want to continue to delay this so he can get back in the White House and shut it all down, this is a move they can make.

I don't know why you are being both hostile and also dismissive. Again, I'm not telling you this is gospel. I already said this. And I can find you plenty of legal scholar's that said it is a POSSIBILITY. Letting folks know of a possibility is not the same thing as claiming it will happen, and I never presented it that way.
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ClayGuida posted...
I mean, cool story and all, but we've already been there and done that.
No, we literally haven't. With all due respect, I will take a legal scholar's analysis over yours. Even if you don't like his, I think it is illogical to dismiss it without actual legal knowledge that can prove to ignore his position.

I'm just sharing with everyone a position that has been put forth. While you certainly don't have to take it as gospel (it wasn't presented that way anyway), at least take it under consideration.

Here is one of the times he breaks down what that would look like.

I hope this isn't the outcome, but it is a legal possiblity.
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ClayGuida posted...
Trump's argument is absolute immunity, not selective immunity.
That doesn't really matter to certain Justices. And to be clear, this is the analysis of a former federal prosecutor, not my own. This is an outcome that Glenn Kirschner believes they can take to further delay the trial.
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ClayGuida posted...
Lower courts already ruled against it. That's how it got here.

That's when we got the 'President can have his political adversaries assassinated as long as they don't get impeached and removed from office' quote.
I think you need to reread my post.
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As far as the Total Immunity claim goes, there is a way in which the Supreme Court doesn't give Trump immunity (because that is ludicrous) but still gives him what he wants. Which is time. By remanding it back to the lower court to have the judge hold hearings to rule on specifics. They could instruct Judge Chutkan to hold hearings to adjudicate whether or not any of the alleged acts might be possibly construed as presidential acts in any way. Thus pushing the trial even further down the line. Ultimately, the right-wing Justices are looking to give Trump as much time as possible to avoid consequences for his criminal acts.
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A charm of finches.
A kaleidoscope of butterflies.
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Only if it comes with "perfect" health too.
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Murray even came under fire for being a sex pest, and somehow it just washes right off of him. He'll show up to a random wedding and take part in it and everyone just laughs it off. Kind of a strange thing with him. He holds some sort of a special place in peoples hearts and minds.
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Damn. I loved Martin Mull. Freaking hilarious dude.

Funny story though...

Bill Murray tried to choke Martin out once for talking during one of Murray's shows while Mull was in the audience. He had bumped into a friend that he hadn't seen in a long time. And of course while trying to kill him, Bill yelled at him with the classic Bill Murray burn, calling Mull a "medium talent!"
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