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Community » GuerrillaSoldier
you're good~

but i'm bettah!

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
fail. might as well show them some jump scare movies.

should show them 3 Idiots, they'll love it probably, and it's a good movie

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
you don't want to go with her. she got thrown that in her face even if the reason was logical and valid like a completed puzzle. she wanted to be the one to make the decision to switch to morning if it bothered her. instead, you chose it, and she's not happy about it because it also made it seem like you don't want to be there with her--which, well, is true.

you could've asked her if the waiting time bothered her. could've been discussed. but after 27 years, if you can read her mind, maybe you think it's not worth it or something idk

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
yup yup, definitely know the feeling. the art process can be like that. only advice i got is to just not worry about whatever it is you're' making. you're going to make millions of things in your life, you're going to make the same thing multiple times in the future, it'll happen. so don't stress about one thing.

you can also focus on technique, just try a technique and whatever result comes from it then it's good. then make another thing, and then make another, and soon you'll want to "make something better", and then make that, and so on. just keep at it, basically. make it, don't stress about it, and keep working on it.

hope it makes sense
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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
might as well remove the xbox name and just put 'game pass' on there instead. xbox isn't even a competitor in any competition.

sony has the hardware but only that ...

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
PerseusRad posted...
Well in Smashs case, it stars video game characters, in a video game. People who buy Smash probably played at least some of the games meant to be represented, its sort of a natural thing, and they have the console already. PSASBR had mechanics didnt care for, and more recently a lot of their mascot characters have essentially been retired.
this entirely. if smash had all the art and names swapped out, but kept absolutely everything about the mechanics down to the menus, i doubt it would even have a fanbase at all. just another forgotten fighting game.

pokemon works because the system that was built works. i think a lot of the clones out there try too hard to change up something and they miss the mark. i think a pokemon clone, with really cool designs, has more chance of catching on though.

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
Antifar posted...
It's very funny, to me, to imagine a Bible where everything is the same except Jesus is named Josh
you know your next goal in life, go forth

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
the story, plot, sequence of events. in the later seasons, the acting and dialogue as well.

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
meats are good. pepperoni, sausage, bacon, that sorta thing

love chicago style but i don't have it often at all, and yes it's very filling

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
haven't been able to get in that mindset for many years, i've been there before but my brain doesn't work that way anymore. i'm a multitasker now, so every game i play, i also am doing multiple things at the same time. i guess when i need to really relax i'll do something like drive in truck sim with music on, but it's certainly not common and hasn't happened much recently.

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
did he crawl out of his hole and show us if we'll have a longer or shorter summer this year?

oh wait is that the dorito pope or someone else

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
absolutebuffoon posted...
Imagine not sleeping wrapped completely in tinfoil. That's how the mind vampires get you.
oh shit is that how to stop it

now i know what i need to do

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
let's see, boat part of RE1 ... hm, no. okay, boat part of RE2 ... nope. RE3? nuh uh.

well, i have no idea what tc is talking about

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
i enjoyed the first movie. i thought it was pretty faithful, considering. it wasn't an incredible movie, and honestly it did drag on (i recall falling asleep while watching it a couple times), but still great.

the second one shouldn't even be considered a real film, it's a giant piece of shit that no one should ever waste their life on. talk about horrible movies, my god. stay away if you haven't seen it, it's not worth it, it's not even a good kind of bad. it's just shit.

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
oh yeah, thanks for reminding me of which movie i haven't seen yet, i'll do it tomorrow

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
this topic should've be called "old memes topic"

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
very nice

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
not some guys
they know who they are

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
when someone's being a little bitch

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
yeah definitely understand you, man. i had the chance to jump off a sinking ship onto another seemingly-sinking ship but i didn't take the jump, and i got booted before the ship sank anyway. tried to reach out to the other ship since but nothing but silence.

these aren't literal ships btw. but yeah i totally understand. sucks, man. well, keep your head up, the future will bring something. just don't let it keep you down.

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
so strange, i remember the first part coming out and being so extremely well received. blew up, people loved it, and pennywise became a pop culture hit.

and then the second part comes out, it's mediocre as hell, and everything just dies and falls flat on its face. suddenly you've got people acting like they were never good movies to begin with. pennywise is not popular anymore. huge pivot.

anyway they were good movies, but yeah, somehow the miniseries was scarier

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
imagine caring about a tomato score

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
this topic is very smart

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
i ran out of everything on my table except this bottle of water

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
oh yeah
well ok

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
i do that but i don't mix them

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
if they're taking bread in exchange for tickets, i can see why they would sell more

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
why is that hard to believe

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
we haven't

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
Yawn_Master2 posted...
What would you recommend
i recommend having a good time and doing fun things

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
what happened

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
i wouldn't care cuz i'm in america

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
i walk to my hotel

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
HighSeraph posted...
could have used some work
it did get worked on, with the dlc

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
coming back, if that makes any sense. everything is just like 5x worse.

when i'm going somewhere, i'm so full of energy and excitement. nothing bothers me. even the worst people or turbulence, it's like, lol life is funny.

but coming back, holy shit, i'm always so tired and i don't want to deal with anything. i don't want time to go slowly, i hate being limited, and nothing is new or novel anymore.

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
imagine not even knowing how to internet properly

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
much much younger

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
dark, evil, and often poisonous

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
waldo is santa

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
we already see true ai, we use it to make the funny meme pictures

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
CRON posted...
How do people manage to play PS1 games on the Vita? There aren't any L2/R2 buttons and using the back touch panel is really hit-or-miss and uncomfortable.
either touch screen corners (this works great with MGS1) or right stick. obviously left is L2, right is R2, and i like to put up as L2+R2. works wonderfully!

last thing i was playing on my vita was silent hill 1. but that was a couple months ago, now.

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
i did for a bit, and i do now for any must see movies, but i'd much rather prefer going with others

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
looks pretty cool but i feel like the music didn't fit it at all, in fact i really hated the music

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
Whatever it is, it can't be less productive than what we're doing.
aint that the fuckin truth tho

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
i'll get it when it's on sale for 5 dollars on steam
i mean, i'm still waiting for rem4ke, so i'm not kidding

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
Giant_Aspirin posted...
TIL Joe Biden is also a convicted felon
no one actually gets a felony for committing genocide

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
as someone who doesn't listen to any of his new shit, i thought it was a decent track, kinda funny video, but i probably won't listen to the song again

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
fallout 76

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Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
Community » GuerrillaSoldier
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