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Lisa, her teeth are big and green. Lisa, she smells like gasoline.
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I think you should look for employment elsewhere immediately, so then in the likely event you do get fired, you may be close to having another position. Or maybe you'll get a suitable position before that even happens.
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Yes. It's just another marketed product.

Save yourself some time and a lot of wasted effort and just learn how to lift weights.
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I went with cheesecake because I've never had a bad cheesecake, but I've had many bad ice cream cakes.
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Goten is gen Z and Pan is gen alpha.
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Yes. Because my "revenge" is just living my own life and not caring about or thinking about them.
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Krispy Kreme's base glazed donut that everyone is familiar with is not particularly good, and pretty much any donut from Dunkin is better than that.

However, almost ANY specialty donut from an actual Krispy Kreme store wipes the floor with basically anything on Dunkin Donuts' menu.

Unfortunately though, Krispy Kreme locations are nowhere near as common as Dunkin Donuts, at least not where I'm from.
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Salty: Jack Link's jalapeno beef jerky
Fruity: Herbland vegan protein gummies
Chocolate: Chef Robert Irvine Protein Bar (probably the chocolate peanut butter)
Drink: Powerade Zero (purple)
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Well, it looks like they went through with it. TikTok is gone in the USA (at least for now).
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knightoffire55 posted...
Your husbands in jail
This state looks down on sodomy.
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What makes The Hangover 2 the worst sequel ever to me, is that not only is it a bad movie, a bad sequel, and significantly less funny than the original, but it literally copies the original movie's script verbatim, changes the setting, and does everything worse.
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what about son of the mask
I guess I should say worst "direct sequel". There's a bunch of really really bad sequels that happened many years after the original with an entirely different cast.
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Not sure, to be honest. We can all agree that the Boomers are the worst generation though, right?
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That's a tough one. Maybe 21 jump Street or The Hangover.

I don't think there was ever a larger drop off in quality from one movie to its sequel than from The Hangover to The Hangover 2. So given that, I think I'm going to give it to 21 Jump Street. 22 Jump Street was still pretty good.
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Call of Diddy
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I think Backlund is a strong possibility, but at least he served his purpose as a transitional champ. Kane's reign was entirely pointless. And it makes it even worse that it was his ONLY WWF/E title reign.
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Hulk Hogan
Ultimate Warrior
Sergeant Slaughter
The Undertaker
Ric Flair
Randy Savage
Bret Hart
Bob Backlund
Shawn Michaels
Psycho Sid
Stone Cold Steve Austin
The Rock
Triple H
Vince McMahon
Big Show

It's got to be Kane! Due to the shortness and pointlessness of his reign.

What say you?
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Out of the ones of those I have played, Jak & Daxter is the only one I'd like to see revived. But then then, I couldn't imagine that they'd actually do it right. It'd probably either be given no budget / time and thus doomed to fail. Or, the game would be changed so drastically that it wouldn't even be recognizable (didn't what ended up becoming The Last Of Us, originally begin production as Jak 4?)
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I was like wait they're rebooting that series already? And then I realized that TC is like half a decade behind.
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I thought the new series was surprisingly good, and faithful to the overall feel and style of the series.

I'd be fine with any version of The Tick getting another season, to be honest.
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Not really sure why, Cromartie High School was the first one that popped into my mind:
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I plan on waking up at midnight to do my taxes like the Ned Flanders
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I've been married for a while, but I understand how / why other people wouldn't get married. It's a big committment, and many people nowadays don't seem to want to be tied to a single person.

Also, and I'm not saying this is you, but I know many people who are just not mature enough to compromise with another person on a consistent basis. This inflexibility ultimately leads to long-term relationships being quite difficult.
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I prefer Wheel Of Money.
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Yeah, the Lab Assistant type enemies were fun in crash games. They also had several of them in Wrath of Cortex.
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Joelypoely posted...
Easily after for me, assuming you can also play remasters
Yeah this is the deciding factor. I would say if we're including these, I would go with after. If we're not including remasters / remakes / re-releases, I would go before.
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No, but I use a water pik, which I think is better. It's definitely easier / cheaper over the long term, and it's something that I stick to, unlike flossing.
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JOExHIGASHI posted...
You actually don't even need to dance. Just ask for money
Yeah, your dancing probably drove away more potential customers than it drew in.
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Women are my favorite guy.
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adjl posted...
Corporate sees anything less than a perfect score as a failure that they'll use to justify layoffs or deny promotions if they end up needing an excuse for such things, so unless the encounter was bad enough that you want corporate to know that they failed, give them a perfect score. Your personal rationale for how to numerically represent your experience shouldn't factor into it because those interpreting it won't be considering your personal rationale. In many cases, they issue those surveys because they know a whole lot of people will think "that was good, but not perfect, so I'll give them a 4/5" and thereby give them ammunition to use against the employee, despite the people giving that score not feeling like the employee deserves to have anything used against them.
This is probably the accurate answer. I pretty much just avoid leaving reviews or doing surveys for the most part though, unless the experience was remarkably good, or remarkably bad.
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Let him watch the rest of the core Star Wars films, and other movies so that he can form his own opinion over time. After you watch all of the Star Wars films, you could explain to him that many people find Phantom Menace to be one of the weaker Star Wars films, and why that is the case.

Just telling him his opinions are wrong and what he should like has a high probability of backfiring.

Also, how old is this kid? Depending on age, it might affect how you go about this.
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I remember in the 2010s, I was surprised to learn that computers actually had hard drives with spinning discs inside of them. In my mind I always imagined they all had something like an SSD, but it wasn't until I started seeing SSDs marketed everywhere until I was like, hey wait a minute isn't that what every computer has?
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captpackrat posted...
I've taken damage from stepping on things like bones and plates in Skyrim and various Fallout games. If my health had been low enough, it could have been fatal.

"How did the Dragonborn die?"

"He tripped over a potato."


It wasn't me dying, but one of the dumbest and most hilarious deaths involved a bridge in Quake II. At one end there's a switch that causes the bridge to drop into a pool of lava, and on the other side there's a whole bunch of berserkers. I'd get them to chase me across the bridge, then hit the switch and they'd fall into the lava. And if the bridge was down, they're wait at the other end until it came back up, then charge across. Because I wouldn't hit the switch again, now would I?
Yeah I always thought it was funny that when you're perfectly healthy, in basically every game ever, you can get shot in the face and keep moving / living just fine as long as you still have at least a little bit of help left. But if your health is low, and someone shoves you gently, you immediately die.
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I have a pixel 6a and it's a solid phone. Had it for over 2 years and the camera still holds up fairly well.
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No? I get different shoes every time I buy a new pair. What kind of boring ass person just buys the same shoes all the time?
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Late 2000's / early 2010's fitness YouTube.
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ConfusedTorchic posted...
it definitely was not called that
Me and my friends called it that. And some other names.
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OhhhJa posted...
Yeah that's my thought. I'm really craving tuna and I think I'll survive
Leave it out for another day just to be sure.
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Should be fine.
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2012. I missed being 18 in 2008 by like 1 month. I remember I had to write an essay for my first year college writing class about who I was going to vote for, and I was like "um, I'm 17, I can't vote yet." And the professor didn't believe me until I shower her my driver's license.
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Person4 posted...
Interested to see what everybody's mentions are.

Mine would have to be Resident Evil 6.
There's no way you're serious. While I personally found re6 to be highly disappointing, there are tons and tons of games that are objectively so much worse than it.

For me the worst game I've ever ever personally played was Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing. Yes I actually played it. My brother's friend burned it for him on CD-ROM, and I picked it up and played it one day, having no idea what it was. After playing it, I looked it up on the internet and was laughing my ass off for about an hour.
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captpackrat posted...
I used to get their chef's salad when they first came out. Occasionally I'd change things up with the Oriental chicken salad.
Not going to lie, but that thing actually looks kind of terrible. I was more talking about the ones they offered in the late 2010s, like the grilled chicken salad and the southwest salad.
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captpackrat posted...
For $2 you could get a McDouble, separate the two halves, and stick them around a McChicken.
Ah yes, the good old Mc-Chubble.

Anyway, I might be the odd one out, but I miss when McDonald's used to have salads. At least around me, they don't serve them anymore.
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AstroBot posted...
You sleep in boxers at other peoples house?
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Sometimes, but usually not. I usually just sleep in a pair of boxers. If people are over or I'm at a friend's house, I will usually throw a t-shirt on too.
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No, but I've considered going as Yamcha.
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I flew first class once, because I bought a travel package that I didn't realize included first class tickets. It was one of those lay down pods, and it was quite nice. You got a very nice meal, free wine etc, and it was only a 3-Hour flight.

Other than that, no. The price difference nowadays between economy and first class is just so absurd whenever I check, that I couldn't possibly justify it.

Most of the time, we could literally book an entire extra trip for both my wife and I just for the cost of upgrading a single one of our tickets from economy to first class. I can't believe anyone is actually paying this, but apparently people are still paying these prices.
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Sint Maarten

So that would be 10, I believe.

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argonautweakend posted...
I was occasionally called a hipster, which wasn't true, probably solely on the basis I listened to music that wasn't really mainstream. Which, I get the connection, but being a hipster demands more than just listening to obscure music.
That's exactly what a hipster would say.
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