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The actual basketball uniforms are more revealing than the Vogue photos but Saul saw "race proxy war" and was like "Wait for me, guys!"
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Fenrir_Howls posted...
Expect you havent demonstrated how its hypocritical and seeing as I obviously havent seen the Vogue pics I certainly cant make that determination.

I'm risking a lot here because Saul seems to think this is horny posting but here you go

Note to mods: This is obviously not horny posting.
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Quorthon109 posted...
I was just reading about that. I was kinda skeptical because I didn't know you could do so bad on an entrance exam that you'd get permanently barred from ever trying again, unless his answers somehow made it clear that he wasn't taking it seriously in the least or something?

It was confirmed he's disqualified from serving and it happened at some point during the enlisting process. There's just no proof if it was because of the exam or if he even got that far. What makes it sorta credible is that him being disqualified actually was news that the handler shared first and then later confirmed by a Marine spokesperson
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lmao saul saw the topic title and thought it was an invitation, not an indictment
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DnDer posted...
All I know is that she used to do quality anti-MLM content (at least those were the few videos of hers that got through my recommended feed a few years back), and now everyone is shitting on her for something. Plagiarism?

What's the whole deal in a nutshell now? If it can be condensed into a nutshell.

Besides plagiarism and making bigoted videos in the past under a different name, she apparently blackmails people that worked for her because she more or less became their landlord or something of that nature I forget the details but she was basically caught threatening to take people's homes away if they didn't do what she wanted.

I don't know there's more but I stopped keeping up

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ablegator posted...
Golf course in Michigan that was hottest

Farm in Wisconsin lower key, could have done polo, after wedding drive around Lake Michigan to get home

Portland farm sisters wedding

wedding reception in park near Detroit friend was geologist I took second in rock throwing at reception

Outdoor venue in Michigan evening so temp was ok

Outdoor venue in Michigan second warmest they had vegetarian food that was really bland

outdoor ceremony in Michigan park casual and brief. Officiant had a two foot long braided beard

Outdoor venue at a country house. I helped park cars. Lots of wine at reception

i got married at Burney Falls in Northern California. Wore linen pants and shirt. Eloped, adult kids came with us. Son officiated.

Ice fishing lake in Alaska was the coldest

Farm in Ohio during December lower key, could have done snowsuit, after wedding drive to Lake Erie for the Great Lakes Science Center

Kentucky farm sister's wedding

wedding reception in park near Boston friend was a stalagmite I took second in rock throwing at reception and friend was not happy because I threw him

Outdoor venue in Narnia evening so temp was okay

outdoor ceremony in Jurassic Park casual and brief. Officiant had the eye of Sauron.

All of this is also true so yeah touche I believe now
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solosnake posted...
nobody knows who brink is.


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ablegator posted...
Ive been to that wedding

come to think of it six times

and a few outdoor receptions
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solosnake posted...
They hate her because she is white

Don't make dumb posts you know nothing about. Shame on you.
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JLo hasn't been a big seller for over 20 years. On the 6 and J.Lo sold well. This Is Me Then sold okay, and then ever since then her sales have been rather mediocre. Her new album is also her first since 2014, and the one in 2014 didn't sell very well at all. She's much more known as an actress now.
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Dio posted...
They aren't going to fire you for putting in a 2 week notice. You don't even have to show up anymore. Once it's in the system that's it. You assume they'll even replace you anyways. Walmart is always short handed. It took them 6 months to replace one of our only good throwers on my team. 6 months and his rep was fired within 2.

Most our new reps are just xfers from other stores at this point.

Oh I'm sorry I didn't know your experience was the only experience to ever exist and that allowed you to call that user a liar

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Dio posted...
No you didn't. They wouldn't say any of that nor would they fire you for being sick on your 2 week. At that point you don't even exist anymore. You could get away with murder and they wouldn't care anymore. A 2 week notice is a courtesy. You don't have to work the 2 weeks.

Corporate wouldn't care, but corporate wouldn't be who you answer to, or who would fire you. The local store absolutely would care if you just didn't show up, because that's one less worker that they can't instantly replace for those shifts.

That doesn't mean the firing was fair, but pretending this wouldn't happen is dumb

An at will job means yes giving two weeks notice is a courtesy and you can just not show up. But likewise it also means they can fire you before your employment technically ends.
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WizardPowers posted...
Nobody should have to wear sleeves on a 90 degree day

Is this a thing that actually happened or are you making it up to be mad?

Who has a wedding outside on a 90 degree day? If the wedding is in a state that would reach those temperatures it's probably in an indoor venue which would be climate controlled and so you wouldn't actually be wearing sleeves in 90 degrees anyway

And if somebody does have a wedding outside in 90 degrees it's very unlikely they would require dress like that because everybody would be miserable and nobody wants their guests to be miserable at their wedding
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EventualDecline posted...
Ah gamefaqs, the only site on the internet where every user is supposedly an "alt". Also, people only transform into "alts" when they say something that someone doesn't like. But when they say things that someone likes, then they're a legit account. Am I getting it right? Very bizarre. For the record, this is the only account I have ever had, since 2002.

Oh trust me we know. You have enough whining and crying about "woke" in your post history that nobody would actually think otherwise
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What got you fired?
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Actually I need to amend that.

Taylor Swift or Ed Sheeran could tour very inconsistently and still sell tickets, because people know them for their music and love their music.

JLo is not exactly a superstar based on her music specifically, so only touring sporadically actually hurts her demand.
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ScionTC_07 posted...
whats crazy is that I thought it was the opposite

I thought artists who rarely tour get more demand since there wont be many chances to see them?

Artists who tour less often mean you have no idea how good or not their show will be. It's not a known quantity, so you have no idea if it will be good or bad. You're taking a chance.

Basically people are more wary with spending their money these days.
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JLo barely tours, and when she does it's only for a few weeks, so it makes sense why there isn't as much demand to see her shows because it's not something she does consistently to drive engagement, anyway. The Rolling Stones tour very consistently, so there's more of a known entity there to know what you'll get out of it.

It'd be like wondering why Penn & Teller sell more tickets for their magic act than Jenny McCarthy would.
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No we're not do you understand math
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Honestly this is pretty kick ass

John Cena Peacemaker is such a great look. He's just got total douchebag jaw and it fits so well
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Does that first Bowser have fur
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bfslick50 posted...
We dont know the particulars. Maybe the door didnt get shut all the way after a 2am feeding.

I mean that's still negligence so uh

Also why is a 6 week old baby left unattended like at all. Most parents have the crib in their own room at that young

I admit I'm heated about this because it's such a needless death that could have been so easily avoided by even the slightest bit of actual care
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Cmon Skylanders but as a normal game and not the toy stuff

I know it's not Activision owns Skylanders but I can dream
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PiOverlord posted...
Tbf, Leffen, in this callout, also falsely accused M2K, of some stuff that wasn't true that resulted in M2K having great emotional turmoil:

That feels irrelevant considering Hax specifically went after Leffen for the ZeRo allegations which were true

Leffen also being a not great person doesn't excuse Hax
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Stable diffusion is better for realistic images but you have to be much more specific with your prompts. DALL-E is easier to get results with more basic prompts but it struggles with more realistic images.
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bfslick50 posted...
Six weeks is long enough to develop a false sense of security

No it shouldn't be to any responsible parent

Leaving a six week old baby unattended with an animal is absolutely extreme negligence. Even a well meaning animal could accidentally harm a baby that young. This wasn't some freak unforeseeable accident.
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bfslick50 posted...
Couldve been they didnt close the door all the way out of fear the click would wake the baby and they didnt perceive their family pet as a threat. A lot of pet owners dont.

That's still extreme negligence tho which is my entire point
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bfslick50 posted...
If the crib is on another floor with a baby monitor, sure youd hear the dog but itd be hard to sprint in there and pull the dog off before it bites.

Yes but why are you leaving said baby open to the dog unsupervised in the first place when it's a literal 6 week old baby

Like close the door to the room

Six weeks isn't remotely enough to know how an animal may react to a baby to leave them together unsupervised
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I Googled the context and it appears Hax attacked Leffen for speaking out against ZeRo for being a groomer

ZeRo admitted to what he did

So uhhhhh
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PiOverlord posted...
Upon his appeal to be unbanned last year, his ban was officially made indefinite as he doubled down on some of his takes that originally got him banned in the first place.

Even without context this feels like a "Fair, next" situation. If you double down on what got you banned in the first place then uh
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coyot posted...
Drop-side cribs arent common anymore.

I'm not sure this is relevant to my question. The dog would have still had to get into the crib. Frankly, a drop-side crib would have made it easier, right? Or am I missing something? My point is like how negligent do you need to be that your baby is left so unattended that a dog can climb into the crib and maul them?
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Mr_Karate_II posted...
The story from the mom seems a bit suspicious

Right? Every piece of information in the article was provided by the mother. Not from the sheriff, not from a medical examiner. It just feels... Weird.

I don't doubt somebody could be so incredibly negligent that they somehow leave their baby unattended for so long that a dog somehow manages to climb into a crib and maul the baby to death, but, uh... That feels like an absolutely incredible amount of negligence.
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Like I don't wanna conspiracy theory here, but I gotta ask how did the dog get into the crib to attack the baby in the first place, unnoticed? I just have questions.
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It's almost like you shouldn't leave your 6 week old baby unsupervised around any animal at all

That said the fact that the article states there is an open investigation and the only word that the baby died via dog bite is from the mother does seem... interesting

Like how did the dog bite the baby in his crib?
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mybbqrules posted...
Personally I think Batman's big 3 are

1. Joker
2. Penguin
3. Riddler

But Batman is an anomaly as he has a LOT of good villains. Bane, Ivy, Two-Face, plus the ones mentioned here.

I personally love Penguin, but he's a hard sell for me over Two-Face. Two-Face is used much more often. Penguin's general usage hit a sharp decline for awhile, because writers felt he was too comical in nature, and not threatening enough. Meanwhile Two-Face appears in almost everything Batman related, period.
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Jaguar34 posted...
I'm not sure if I know any other Batman villians.


He's not a "Big 3" in the slightest, but he is awesome based on his recent mainstream media appearances, like Batman Begins and the Arkham games. Probably most improved villain.
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Yeah it's a myth people use to stop their kids from messing with wildlife
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That's not something to brag about

That's like going "I eat more rabbit turds than anyone on this planet, guaranteed"
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Crono99 posted...
Who was the wrestler who joined WCW then threw her WWF champion belt in the trash? It was like 30 years ago or so

Madusa/Alundra Blayze. Well she was Alundra Blayze in WWF, Madusa in WCW.

WWE made up with her after awhile, she even appeared in some of the recent video games
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pazzy posted...
And was given a cameo in mania. He's hardly scrapped. It's just Eggman is the villain most of the time, or he gets usurped by a new guy.

To be fair Fang was legitimately dropped for a loooong time, which they poked fun at in Sonic Mania by having him be one of the characters that appears on Wanted posters in that one level, along with Bean and Bark

It's just that since he had a major part in Sonic Superstars he is definitely not "scrapped" now
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Shotgunnova posted...
What's his belt holding up?

Legitimate answer? His gun, because he's "Fang the Sniper" it was originally a holster

Which was turned into a cork gun for obvious reasons later on, and then I think dropped all together

Yeah his name in Sonic Superstars is now officially "Fang the Hunter" so they dropped the gun bit completely
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Nack is in the latest Sonic game tho
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K181 posted...

Hold on let me set up my Hubble telescope to read that
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Sonixs posted...
Not to mention Pedro Pascal's career blew up after he was in Game of Thrones.

Ehhh this is debatable. It didn't immediately explode, though it did gain him attention. He didn't do a ton immediately following Game of Thrones. It's arguably Narcos that really blew him up. That said one could debate if GoT got him the Narcos role.
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Tyranthraxus posted...
It's kind of poetic tbh that the shit that gives Saitama the most trouble are the weakest things around him.

Yeah that makes it even better. King is possibly the only person to ever actually legitimately frustrate him.
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Antifar posted...
The name stems from the late 1800s/early 1900s when they were accused of stealing a player from another club.

Okay that's the kind of history that makes the name even more badass

Sorry Devil Rays
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The Rays were close when they actually went by "Devil Rays" but they mostly dropped that
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Tyranthraxus posted...
More like: God, King (at video games), and Inflation

I know you probably said this as a joke, but Saitama has gotten more intense and upset over video games than he actually has in... I think any actual real battle he has ever fought, so this is a legitimately good answer.
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I found it

This is my favorite thing ever
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Electivire because the Electabuzz from the anime had my favorite cry ever since it would go "EEEEEBLUHBLUHBLUHBLUH" and Electivire just looked like something that would go "EEEEBLUHBLUHBLUHBLUH" even more intensely
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