Community > BlazeAndBlade


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Poll of the Day worst Christmas song that made it to no.1 on the charts 5 10/20/2024, 10:43pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day Time bandits (2024) please stop messing with great classic films with trash 3 07/18/2024, 08:33am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day Solar Eclipse monday 4 04/07/2024, 05:54pm 0 + 0
Current Events How often does this happen in public toilets 3 04/07/2024, 03:25pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day broke my arm today 10 04/06/2024, 12:44am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day The New BeetleJuice movie looks great 11 03/26/2024, 12:44am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day New god game ( like black and white, populous) 6 11/30/2023, 02:53pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day anyone getting remnent 2 ( from the ashes sequel) 8 06/26/2023, 04:50am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day Any one going to watch Still: A Michael J. Fox Movie? 1 04/16/2023, 12:28am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day It's not about size.... 1 04/11/2023, 09:55pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day Zombies Ate My Neighbors 1&2 (Ghoul Patrol) is on the psn store £6 3 10/29/2021, 11:10pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day so did you all remember it's mothers day today 2 03/14/2021, 04:16pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day just reach sage 7 03/07/2021, 11:21pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day final fantasy 7 remake is free for ps+ users in march lol 11 02/26/2021, 09:53am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day Anyone looking forward to back for blood game this year? (left 4 dead 3) 3 01/30/2021, 07:19am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day Mira Furlan died ( actress from Babylon 5 and lost) 2 01/22/2021, 12:27pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day best poster here 2020 edition 21 01/02/2021, 11:00am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day life is like quotes 7 12/29/2020, 09:12am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day Best left handed swordsmen ( in video games) 21 12/25/2020, 11:15pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day how to catch a predator lol 9 11/24/2020, 03:15am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day aonther tremors movie when will they stop 25 11/17/2020, 06:21pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day it's BlazeAndBlade's birthday today 6 11/13/2020, 01:29pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day Christmas 2020 be like 2 11/13/2020, 09:33am 0 + 0
Current Events Your world is so small. 6 11/10/2020, 07:23am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day If you could have anyone from this board as president who would you pick 24 11/09/2020, 09:59am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day are whales better than humans 9 10/08/2020, 03:27pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day spitting image is back baby 5 09/24/2020, 11:52am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day anyone trying out the new Pokemon like game Nexomon that just got released 3 08/28/2020, 10:58pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day dragon's dogma anime 1 08/24/2020, 09:42pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day is Pathfinder: Kingmaker any good? 3 08/22/2020, 03:19am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day anyone trying Fall Guys ( on the ps4 and pc) 10 08/11/2020, 06:14pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day to all you mask crusaders? 4 08/08/2020, 08:41pm 0 + 0
Current Events Are you a mask crusader? 4 08/08/2020, 11:54am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day "If a stranger offers you candy, DON'T GET IN THE VAN!" 26 08/07/2020, 03:27pm 0 + 0
Current Events If Cavemen and Astronauts got into a fight who would win 9 08/05/2020, 10:08pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day very immpotant question 2 08/05/2020, 09:48pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day Anyone up for making a new hunger games potd edition topic 3 07/31/2020, 05:32pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day guess the last part of this games name get it wrong and you suck (little big) 3 07/31/2020, 05:18pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day Nioh 2's new dlc just came out now you can forget GOT and enjoy a better game 12 07/29/2020, 10:56pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day PlayStation Plus Monthly Games - August: Modern Warfare 2 & Fall guy 1 07/27/2020, 01:24pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day What do you want to be when you grow up? 10 07/24/2020, 07:03pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day what new star sign are you now NASA changed them 48 07/15/2020, 04:34am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day good news for people that liked kingdom of amalar 27 06/04/2020, 05:34pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day Silent hill killer and survivor (pyramid head) getting added to dead by daylight 3 05/26/2020, 05:35pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day I won't let you run away from living! you hear me? 3 04/02/2020, 07:06pm 0 + 0
Current Events Don't run away from living! 2 04/02/2020, 07:06pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day Predator Hunting Grounds, free trial 27th. 1 03/26/2020, 06:41pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day did you forget it's mothers day today? 13 03/23/2020, 12:17am 0 + 0
Poll of the Day the new 20 pound note is cool (uk) 6 02/24/2020, 10:34pm 0 + 0
Poll of the Day Would you ever date a woman that was once 9 02/19/2020, 02:35pm 0 + 0
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