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Community » BlazeAndBlade
stopped caring for KH when they stopped using final fantasy characters
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
I played a few weeks of it when it first got released then gave up and never went back
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
Devil_May_Cry posted...
how do I interest women. They call me boring

get out there and be somebody

you could also live by what my sig says
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
wwinterj25 posted...
A Raccoon
looks fun lol

Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
The one where goku charges an attack

like the ones where he takes 1 or 2 episodes to charge super spirit bomb ( well the villain stands there waiting like an idiot )
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
Can my toaster run this?
Dualit's Sandwich Cage and Warming Rack. Specifications. Capacity: 4 Slices; Power: 2.2kW; Weight: 4.25kg; Dimensions: 36 x 21 x 22 cm ...

proceeds to give secs of a toaster and not a pc lol
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
game needs an easy mode ( said in most soul-likes )
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
as someone born at the end of the 70's i can say 80's was better
sept for shell suits screw that stupid clothing invention that melted on me because i sat near a fire lol

80's had the best cartoons but the 90's did great to since they learned from the 80's
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
OneEyedShinobi posted...
I like Blue, Purple and Black. They go well together colourwise.

the best colour combo's
red and black is so over used
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
good old dial-up beeep
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
Little Diddy Adventure

Nights into Diddy

Bloody Diddy ( bloody roar )

Diddy: the sexy empire ( replace diddy with Lula and you'll see the game ^,..,^)
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
I'm gen X just 1 year before Millennials lol

Generation Born Current Ages
Gen Z 1997 2012 13 28
Millennials1981 1996 29 44
Gen X1965 1980 45 60
Boomers II (a/k/a Generation Jones)*1955 1964 61 70
Boomers I*1946 1954 71 79
Post War 1928 1945 80 97
WWII 1922 1927 98 103
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
75 more years till 2100 who's looking forward to that
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
Diddy and Conquer

Day of the Diddy

Phantasy Diddy Online
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
the ending song to this is the end was the good part of that movie

backstreets back
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
yeah swimming the best option

also what age do we find are self back in school?
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
does he leap from life to life in hopes that the next leap will be the leap home?

Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
so assassins creed brotherhood then?
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
I liked the episode where they fight the cookie monster
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
SrRd_RacinG posted...
I did it my way!!

The song i was humming right before i smashed the bones in my right arm lol
yeah smashed not just broken that song is very unlucky
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
or worse pick the one stall that has a hole in the wall well there guys outside waiting
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
it's what's inside the stall you have to watch out for
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.

best to bad many hated the game
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
for the UK it was
Generation game
strike it lucky

also remember the TV show this is your life (they really need to bring that classic back)
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
SomeUsername529 posted...
Yamcha completely washes out of fighting seriously after the Saiyan saga and still winds up being an elite baseball player. Any of the other humans would completely break every other sport even worse. I do think that more equipment would make more difficulty for them since they'd have to not break it all every play so maybe basketball and soccer would allow them to restrain the least.
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.

here the trailer for sonic 3 for you to watch
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
I still remember sonic the fighters
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
Pororin posted...
Sexy cat girl

that's squirrel girl she's more broken than dead pool for breaking the 4 wall batman with 40 years of prep would lose instantly
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
GamesMaster early 90's magazines where great
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
also Clayfighters and Ballz 3D that came out round the same time

Etnernal champions is one of the best fighters of the genesis snes era game also had stage fatalities very graphic ones
snes had killer instinct though
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.

do this next time
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
Haven't played any Indiana Jones game since fate of Atlantis (fun old school point and click game)

good times
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
Lokarin posted...
I legit don't think I ever seen a Chuck Norris movie

I remember the one Bruce lee movie he was in
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
The best way I can describe the movie would be like homeward bound.. but with no dialogue.. in the shadow of the colossus universe

fluke also good and yet unknown

be warned if you watch that it's super sad
first trailer in post is also spoiler heavy so only watch the 2nd
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
not Misheard but failed translated that became a meme

If there ever was a dinosaur
In a mound of icicles
I would wanna train it to ride a ball
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
A sword breaker to deal with them sword wielding loonies
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
modded DA:O looks better than failguard

you can also make an army of pets with dog and a team of rangers ^,..,^
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
ConfusedTorchic posted...
if it's not strikeforce 2 then i don't care
that game made my eye's bleed it's not good for eyes
Dynasty Warriors super Saiyan edition ( prepare for eye strain )
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
genesis also got upgrades like the mega CD and the failed 32x that died in a years of it getting released
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
muppets haven't been the same since Jim henson died

I liked fraggle rock better back in the 80's
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
he also a mean to ninja's
goku even peed on him
and to think he's pure of heart and survived the devil might beam

Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
these are good

also genesis version of mortal kombat had blood well snes did not
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
sledge hammer to the testacies is good way to go child free as well who needs the snip when you can get the free option

heck they did that in the mad max movie
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
ConfusedTorchic posted...
Blaze&Blade:Eternal quest

it's a game that only got released in Japan/Europe

and yes you can play as a male fairy if you wanted
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
would you have voted for this guy
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.

i was gonna post call on me (2004) song but the woke community would have a heart attack and foam at the mouth
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
Unlimited saga (ps2)
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
Blaze&Blade:Eternal quest
Alisia the dragon (mega drive)
arcanum of steamworks and magick obscura ( fallout 2 meets Baldur's gate 2)

psychic force 1&2 ( the intro alone screams old school anime) unique games for there time as well

Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
Community » BlazeAndBlade
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