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Community » ArvTheGreat
adjl posted...
Yep. The protagonist's name is Goliath, he faces discrimination and persecution for being big and scary despite only wanting to use his strength to help/protect people. The primary antagonist for most of the series is a super-billionaire named David who starts out by pretending to be Goliath's friend, but it turns out he was just using him and most of the rest of the series consists of him doing sneaky things coloured by a personal vendetta against Goliath. Meanwhile, Goliath and his buddies figure out how to carve out a life for themselves in a world that's hostile to them.

It's not a perfect fit for what you described, but it's honestly not that far off, which is impressive for a random shitpost.
I was really just making fun of the whole let's make the bad guy sweet and innocent till the dbag main character screws them over

Things are about to get arvified
adjl posted...
One could argue that this is just the plot to Gargoyles.
Really the disney one?
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Arv can give disney so many bangers other than Zoey dechannel
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Called Goliath and it's about some sweet innocent child who grew up to be a giant and he got bullied to be the way he is and David all smug and and his poop smells like roses makes Goliath feel small. So Goliath goes on a journey to find himself
Things are about to get arvified
Yea arvs talking about jrpgs use to be more free lance running around. Obviously there's stories texts and cut scenes going on. Arv sat there for about a half hour then ran in a straight linear for a minute then arv put the controller down after 10 minutes and just kept watching. Ff13 was bad for this but wasn't that bad compared to now days.
Things are about to get arvified
A lot more running around with text back in the day and the cg was a like a reward for getting past certain parts
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You can bs arv all you want but arvs not your mother
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ConfusedTorchic posted...
it's more like it's always been this way, rather than just happening for a while

it's an rpg, that's the point
Not really arvs been playing rpgs since the 90s
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Then when one scenes over it's like yess I get to play. Nooo you get to watch more cut scenes
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But arvs playing tales of arise so far I touched the controller for about 2 minutes and I've been watching the story play out for like a half an hour the most input I've had was pushing x on the terms of agreement lol
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FYI people can call it switch 2 now since that's what Nintendo is calling it
Things are about to get arvified
HornedLion posted...
Arv likes the updated pic
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Maintain your garden while other ninjas try to wreck yours. Stealth water your plants to victory
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Things are about to get arvified
SrRd_RacinG posted...
4K photosynthesis?
120 fps
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Things are about to get arvified
That would have saved the movie for arv
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EclairReturns posted...
You mean because it is fit for those who just want to relax after a hard day of doing whatever the criminy it is they do all day, and not think about deep, intricate plotlines and the like?
If you have to think about what you are watching the show isn't good enough
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Is the best tv
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People here don't think much of themselves unfortunately
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agesboy posted...
what did your son have to say about that
She thought he said tucker at first asked arv about it that's how arv confirmed
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Arv. Thought he said his name was tucker in the beginning then it changed to taka
Things are about to get arvified
Damn_Underscore posted...
nice try
No it's in there
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But didn't anyone read arvs original post? If you did you'd see the part that says unless Nintendo calls it that
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Arv can't decide
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Yea they screwed up by not making it foldable carrying that thing around is the worst should be able to put it in your pocket
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Lokarin posted...
Is there a period in there?


Why does it look weird? My screen isn't dirty
Never noticed till now
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The only console that numbers their consoles in numeric order is the Playstation or magnavox
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Unless Nintendo calls it the switch 2 it isn't going to be called the switch 2
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Let's go there
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Things are about to get arvified
But arv doesn't know who sam is
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Arv could beat them all in a vote off
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But arvs replacing the word ranger with cheetah and making the show about a cheetah but arv can't remember the words to the song
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That's where all the nutrients is at
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DirtBasedSoap posted...
I work M-F. If I use PTO during the week, I get that day plus the weekends off. Sounds like your job sucks
Yea it's anywhere with jobs that have business 7 days a week. But the same rules don't apply to management. Even though arvs part of management arvs still on the bottom of the totem.pole
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Arvs aware that others here don't get time off and they work 100 hour work weeks so maybe it's odd to them
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But if arv requests off that Tuesday arvs day off would only include that day arv requested off and the other day
Things are about to get arvified
DirtBasedSoap posted...
Let's say someone had a Monday through Friday job meaning they gey Saturday and Sunday off. And let's say they request to have Tuesday off for some reason. They get that Tuesday plus the Saturday and Sunday.
Things are about to get arvified
Let's say you request a day off. Then that turns into one of your 2 days off so when you go put your time in your already at your max hours. It's like that's fine I can save it. But at the same time what is arv saving it for
Things are about to get arvified
Lokarin posted...
I was talking to some cows the other day; The herd heard Heard heard herd's here... they were so excited.
Arv knows about this but it makes you sound like a pokemon
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faramir77 posted...
Her career shit the bed
One man's trash is another's treasure.
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Arv read her resume and arv likes what he sees
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It's like a get out of jail free card for a lot of stuff you don't want to do
Things are about to get arvified
DeltaBladeX posted...

Arv.gots dibs on the weather girl
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She is really funnyl
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We have to create the power coins and become power rangers and as soon as that happens evil doers come along and we like fight them at the same time rescue hot chicks. And they totally won't know who we are but will fantasize about us. Cause we are power rangers. And when we are fighting music comes on in the background then stops when fights over
Things are about to get arvified
Things are about to get arvified
hungrymike posted...
Isaac is that u?
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says they have to be rich now for some reason. cause arv always thought college was pretty expensive
Things are about to get arvified
Community » ArvTheGreat
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