Community > Arguro

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Community » Arguro
Dunkin Donuts does not exist where I live and the only Krispy Kream caught on fire a week ago.
NdNd is my kind of woman. She can harvest my lower horn anytime.
Y2k has nothing on y2k38
I laughed.
Buzz's girlfriend.
I am currently reading One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest. I recently finished a terrible book titled Utopia, Oregon.
I went to a casino a couple weeks ago. I walked in with $50 and walked out with $36. Wasted an hour for fourteen bucks.
I had a vasectomy nine years ago.
I remember when you could get a hamburger for twenty-nine cents. Cheese burgers were thirty-nine cents.
Probably rolling over in his grave because of what his website has become.
Dial M for Murder.
Mr. Teeny.
My theory is that Mr. Anderson is Hank's real dad. Tilly had an affair with him out of spite while Cotton was being Cotton.
Commander Keen.
I have never considered doing so before today. I may just have to start!
What posting history?
The movie was actually devolved independently from the novel. When it was discovered that the script was similar to the novel, the producers bought the naming rights. It really should not be considered as using the novel for source material.

I did rather enjoy the movie when it was released.
Community » Arguro