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Community » AceMos
DKBananaSlamma posted...
what did he do?
kept having developers rushed off stage to make time to show advertisements

and ayunuma got the worst of it barely even had time to start a acceptance speech
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Newave posted...
everything related to Ross and Rachel was always shit

Phoebe was somehow funny back in the day but completely insufferable now

Chandler, Joey and Monica hold up fine and carry the show, making it overall enjoyable to still watch
what makes joey work is while he is a flirt he is NOT a sex pest

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uhhh what does that picture have to do with anything
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PowerMan5000000 posted...
Yes she sends them all back to base.

it honestly who cares after that? The most compelling thing is finding out how Caitlyn gets her rifle back. Viktor completes his transformation but to do what? This is why we needed more characters for the next season
wtf are you talking about what base
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PowerMan5000000 posted...
Season 1 didnt really need more expanding.
season 1 ends with jinx attacking the city council effectivly starting a war between pitover and zoun
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PowerMan5000000 posted...
I was hoping it would focus on other characters this time
why would it with how the first season ended
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so fucking hyped for this
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wanderingshade posted...
Man now I gotta wait for Game Awards and it's 2:30 hour nonsense for actual announcements?
im hoping multiple developers pull out after the disrespect shown last year
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Baron_Ox posted...
tbh, there are a bunch of already announced titles that I'm looking forward to learning more about, so I don't mind.
geoff does thoe

he thrives on the attention he can get for himself by hyping up new announcements

he is a narcissist
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after the way he treated ayunuma at last years game trailers i doubt nintendo wants anything to do with him ever again
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ppl just open the link in the tweet

its mostly blocked off by a pay wall

but uh what you can read is major shit

like google could end up dissolving serious
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HighSeraph posted...
Google deserves to be sued but I think Nintendo would be too scared to take on someone who can actually manage to afford a defense
uh google has no defense here

this is serious shit way bigger than nintendo leaks
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this is ALOT bigger than nintendo if you read the article

google has been collecting data on a children
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reminder thanks to a jack ass jason will never be in the game
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oh here is a scene that has always pissed me off

when pheobe tries to steal a little girls cat because she thinks its the reincarnation of her mom

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Ricemills posted...
Comedies stopped being funny when you take them seriously, who would've thought?
the show still tries to have serious moments

it still tries to make ppl feel sad or happy and go dawww ect
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i fucking HATE ross and rachel with a burning passion

and how they constantly shoved the rest of the cast to the side for their stupid will they wont they romance

chandler and monika where the best characters
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Heavy_D_Forever posted...
Oh, that list was only domestic and didn't factor in International profits.

Coco doing 500 million international is impressive. That's double what it did domestic.
yea so you should show the list of global
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Heavy_D_Forever posted...

Not according to audiences.

Incredibles 2 is literally their highest grossing movie of all time. Toy Story 4 is top 3.

Coco doesn't even crack the Top 10.
uh that list is messed up some how

cus coco made over 800 million world wide
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ImAMarvel posted...
also do i win anything bc I was going to guess right before you gave us all the answer
yes actually you win an all expenses paid trip back to the time period of the film so bye bye *teleports imamarvel back in time*
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WingsOfGood posted...
I bet Little Mermaid was close at least :p
not really no
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Homeless_Waifu posted...
Land before Dinosaurs
its land before time but correct
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ok ill give another hint

it has been my favorite movie for my entire life literally i have never had another movie be my favorite at any point in my life

and im 38
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ok first hint

its a animated film
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WingsOfGood posted...

That is why you became a huge fan of aliens and loved every UFO topic I made. It was nostalgic to a younger AceMos watching E.T. and Elliot fly on that bike a signal of happier days.
i hate that movie actually

Homeless_Waifu posted...
Pokemon 2000
Don't lie you cried when ash was petrified and Pikachu was like

thats pokemon the first movie and no

and every other guess in this topic so far is wrong
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ill give a hint after post 15
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creativerealms posted...
How does that make it mass appeal? When I think mass appeal modern animation I think Illumination. That's not something they would do.
doing a romeo and julliet but with X

is one of the "safest" pitches you can make
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TheGoldenEel posted...
Maybe they wanted to step out of their wheelhouse and make a serious sci-fi film, but the only way they could do that was using an existing IP
if they wanted to do a serious scifi film what is up with the robot cat
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Prestoff posted...
Yeah, they should've went with a "hammy" Buzz Lightyear very similar to that of a 1980's sci-fi vibe if they were going to bring Andy into the mix. Hell, they should've made a 3-D pixar movie of theBuzz Lightyear of Star Command show. Now that was an actual decent spin-off show that I can see young children actually enjoying.

the original cartoon was a cheesy scifi thing that i 100% could see andy watching

this film i just dont see it

its not a bad film or anything

but well they should have just made it an original IP
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Westernwolf4 posted...
I saw the Family Guy joke about them recently, and I thought it was pretty funny. The tag line at the end of their new movie about talking sweaters: Pixar! We arent a home run anymore!
i made sure to screen shot him saying that to shre it around every time he does this crpa going forward
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a movie i tottally see pixar making now

coco 2
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over all itsa good movie

biggest mistakes where the scenes with the husband

and as ito said not doing anything creative with pyramid head

here is what id have done with pyramid head id have connected it to the mother hood theme threw out the story

first id gender flip the red pyramid thing

then id show via flash backs as part of a "ritual" dahlia use to use a large knife (not great knife huge but to a child it was still massive) to carve things on alysa

and thus pyramid head was born in the other world of her trauma

and unlike the ohter monsters is not under alyesas control
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pls do not respond to scotty just ignore his posts he is the LAST person who should ever say something like that
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3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
ai123 posted...
Elemental flopped?

It performed a fuck ton better than Luca or Turning Red.
when did those films release again
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their "mass appeal" films light year and elemental both flopped yet they plan to double down on that mind set
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Accolon posted...
That's his famous catchphrase
no no it is not

its just a meme that was created after the game was written

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this is the same woman who helped raise money for palastine by the way
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Accolon posted...
I got the DLC with Morbius and I'll feel ripped off if he doesn't say it's Morbin time at some point.
why would he say that
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ssjevot posted...
Remember when half (or maybe more) of the fandom thought Light was the good guy in Death Note because he was the protagonist? Or Walter in Breaking Bad?
ive seen ppl claim fallout is PRO capitalism
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the flash backs are just padding

and a big plot hole really as the kids did not have time to be doing this stuff

by the time they all meet there is very little in the way of cut aways that you can fit anything in it all happens in a couple of days
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not a fan of just getting handed all the items at the start

ruins exploration IMO

i love getting a new item then going back to old areas to use it
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ok that changes everything
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DuuuDe14 posted...
I'm glad he honored Pewdiepie. That was a great arc.
pewdiepie is a bigoted piece of shit who should not be honored in any way shape or form
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Dakimakura posted...
The Empire was America all along
yes yes they where lucas based the empire off of america
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ImAMarvel posted...
Godzilla in Hell was a great comic

There's been a few Godzilla comics that are pretty good actually. I need to read the Justice League crossover since I heard good things about it
it falls apart at the end sadly

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is this a parody topic or is TC legit a trump supporter who thought ppl would be against this
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3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
specialkid8 posted...
Yeah, they were clearly chasing that Stranger Things high and it doesn't do the story any service. Overall It's definitely one of the better Blumhouse movies but that's a low bar. I only watched the first part but the way it flips back and forth between Kids on Bikes adventure and spooky jump scare scenes like clockwork is kind of off-putting. And just generally making the story more generic. Like all the things the kids are afraid of being turned into royalty free monsters.
what where the fears in the book?
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ok watching part 2 now and uh how did henry survive falling down the well he hit his head on the way down even
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