ctesjbuvf posted...
Curious which unless the remaining 15 are all the trash, that's a very low number
Mystery of Atlantis is the worst game I've played for the NES on there, and I'd be surprised if there's anything worse. The levels are often really flat and when they aren't it's kind of just recycled bits. Your jump is kind of difficult to control. Your bombs could be a fun weapon if it was utilized in a better game (I like how they make the crab enemies hide and light up the screen on pitch black levels though) and I do kind of like the idea it has with some levels having different exits, especially when one of them helped me skip like a quarter of the game. But yeah, this one is pretty bad.
Kung Fu Heroes also isn't very good. I liked the arcade game it's based on a lot but this is kind of a glitchy port and just doesn't function well.
Those two are the worst ones. And then there's Soccer which is just way too slow. Players take forever to get down the field.
I know a lot of people seem to hate Urban Champion but I had a lot of fun with that back in the day, but it's really only that fun fighting a second player, but I don't really mind it. Its simplistic rock, paper, scissors combat works for me. It's kind of dull and repetitive playing single player though.
Anything else is either just something that I feel is a bit dated now like Xevious or Mach Rider or Pro Wrestling but still typically have some interesting elements (Mach Rider's game type options) or they're fun multiplayer games (Pro Wrestling and the other black box sports games) or they just play smooth enough that I don't really mind it that much (Xevious) even if they are kind of dated barebones games.
Though I also enjoy a lot of the old arcade style games that some might find too dated like Mappy-Land, City Connection, and Ninja Jaja Maru-kun.
My biggest hot take is that I don't really think Cobra Triangle is that great, but it still has some interesting ideas like the branching paths to take in the track stages. The track stages, the bomb stages, and some of the bosses are pretty good but I don't find the log/ice/waterfall stages to be enjoyable to play at all and the stages where you have to protect people are more about luck than anything else. The variety feels more scattered to me than anything. It looks and sounds good but I just don't enjoy playing about half the levels in the game.
Among the remaining games I have to beat the only one I'm skeptical of is Donkey Kong Jr. Math