Community Mafia Topic 17 - A 1 Hour Video Lecture by Guest Professor Turbopuns

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Board 8 » Community Mafia Topic 17 - A 1 Hour Video Lecture by Guest Professor Turbopuns
UltimaterializerX posted...
The actual problem is what happens if MI flips town.

Youve essentially claimed hated townie gambler whatever, correct?

I'm asking him because he is just beinf stubborn and grumpy. Says he doesn't care to be around as a reason to not engage with me but is still around to make sparky comments. It's honestly a bit provoking and I'm not sure what I have done to yield that attitude, I didn't vote any of the players he is grumpy about being lynched (though to be fair, I would have voted one of them if I had a vote that day).

I wouldn't call it hated because I can just not gamble the vote when it matters. Gambler yes, though it's called Bookie to be specific.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
Post #52 was unavailable or deleted.
Can someone do the math with three scum, a death going off and ctes not having his vote today.
All posters and events depicted in this post are entirely fictitious. Any similarity to actual events or posters, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
UltimaterializerX posted...
FD. Does his flavor track?

Most of his case on me is based on that he thinks it doesn't, buddy. No way you haven't noticed.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
IfGodCouldDie posted...
Can someone do the math with three scum, a death going off and ctes not having his vote today.

We would be at lylo tomorrow with another scan. If protection is right we would only be at mylo.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
UltimaterializerX posted...
FD. Does his flavor track?

Neither Ben or Ctes flavors feel like good matches for what they are claiming. Now it's possible they are just the exceptions to an otherwise flavor perfect game. It doesn't help that they both ended up claiming in the most bizarre and terrible ways. Ben with all the lying and Ctes with all the reluctance to even claim at all for no reason. (yes, no reason, your belief that fully claiming hurts your role is just wrong)

But yeah, I have legitimately discussed this at length already -_-
~C~ FD
ctesjbuvf posted...
Can you really not at least see how less players left and more claims open gives the role better chances of guessing correctly?

Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
FWIW ctes if you are town, consider this a proactive apology.

I just don't want to spend my energy responding to what I feel like are mind games from scum.
We do not have much connection, you and I. Still, this encounter feels special. I hope you won't mind if I think of you as a friend.
Post #59 was unavailable or deleted.
TotallyNotMI posted...
FWIW ctes if you are town, consider this a proactive apology.

I just don't want to spend my energy responding to what I feel like are mind games from scum.

Well, that I can at least respect, even if I struggle to see how someone this narrow-minded can be town.

On the other hand I think FD is town and he keeps telling me the chances of scum playing around an ability remains exactly the same whether they know there is an ability to play around or not.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
ctesjbuvf posted...
But can you really not at least see how less players left and more claims open gives the role better chances of guessing correctly?

Yes, obviously, but it also serves to be even more and more restrictive on the NKs having less options and so many things to dodge.

But also your claimed role just sucks so much that it...wouldn't matter?
~C~ FD
Ulti if you are town, can you remind yourself you said you suck at endgame and said that this would take a master class scumgame from me and that the game says to not flavor meta?
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
Forceful_Dragon posted...
Yes, obviously, but it also serves to be even more and more restrictive on the NKs having less options and so many things to dodge.

But also your claimed role just sucks so much that it...wouldn't matter?

It would certainly matter if I got told a member of scum with certainty.

I think we just disagree about the best use of the role, which is fair, but you should at least see the logic you disagree with.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
Post #64 was unavailable or deleted.
ctesjbuvf posted...
It would certainly matter if I got told a member of scum with certainty.

Which would require betting your life which you should NOT do. As far as I'm concerned you should pretend betting your life isn't even a part of your role.

But even IF you bet your life successfully you would then have to bet your vig shot the following night successfully.

To then be able to take the shot on the 3rd night.

So by all means go for it, I can't wait to see these fireworks on Night 8??

It's a shitty, slow role.
~C~ FD
UltimaterializerX posted...
This is not the game to try and emotionally manipulate me. It wont work.

FD is one of the best endgame players, and if hes town Im willing to listen to him. And even if he is scum, hes third party so his scum hunting is still genuine. He would presumably have to kill scum to win the game.

FD is voting Ben.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
Forceful_Dragon posted...
It's a s***ty, slow role.

Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
UltimaterializerX posted...
FD is one of the best endgame players

I don't think this is true. I don't have a strong "gut" for finding scum on vibes and generally consider myself a weak scumhunter. I just try not to get distracted by the kind of poor logic that typically derails days. Last game we had a sizeable lead and a pretty secure PoE so I just stuck to it even when the red and death lynches didn't feel exactly right. This game the PoE feels much less clear, so many of the vanillas have already flipped vanilla which is just crazy, I was particularly shocked by red's flip.

But if it were on my shoulders I'm still lynching Ben first. As bad as Ctes' claim is and as well as MI can fit with any particular scum team I keep coming back to the lies surrounding Ben's claim and the strange logic behind them. If a Ben lynch is absolutely going nowhere then I'll move my vote later, but for now it feels the most right.
~C~ FD
I would support a Ben lynch if I had a vote to support it.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
Post #70 was unavailable or deleted.
ctesjbuvf posted...
But can you really not at least see how less players left and more claims open gives the role better chances of guessing correctly?

It's a strawman because your odds are guessing correctly are still shit. And the scenarios where your odds are at their highest, the game is over before you even get to use your actions.

If you're town, Ctes, you've chosen a terrible hill to die on lol
Kirby321 is 60% epicsauce, 40% epic failure
Soo... how was your day?
ctesjbuvf posted...
It would certainly matter if I got told a member of scum with certainty.

Only if you bet your life and guess correctly. Twice .

You know who doesn't have to do that? *points to Ulti*

Again, you are delusional if you think you are anywhere close to being threatening to scum right now lol
Kirby321 is 60% epicsauce, 40% epic failure
Soo... how was your day?
I'm not dying on the hill any more than you are buddy.

Even the lesser rewards are good to get rid off. If I came in today with a double vote, most trash theories against me would fall apart. Scum would not want me confirming myself.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
Also there are roles to trick cop in this game. It really doesn't sound like mine has that.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
I really don't think it's Ben. But I won't stop a Ben lynch if it happens.

My thoughts are currently 100% invested in trying to figure out who I need to jail tonight. So I'll accommodate to whoever you guys lynch. I already blown all my confidence on the Death shot
Kirby321 is 60% epicsauce, 40% epic failure
Soo... how was your day?
ctesjbuvf posted...
I'm not dying on the hill any more than you are buddy.

Like I think I have tried to say we can agree to disagree like 5 times, but then one of you instead comes in with a mockery of the play like you don't even understand what I'm saying and I struggle to ignore that.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
MI or Ben are still the lynches I think makes the most sense.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
ctesjbuvf posted...
Even the lesser rewards are good to get rid off. If I came in today with a double vote, most trash theories against me would fall apart. Scum would not want me confirming myself.

That is a point I can agree with. If you get a double vote, you're practically confirmed town. Until that happens, though, you're nowhere near a priority kill compared to every other claimed town role in the game.
Kirby321 is 60% epicsauce, 40% epic failure
Soo... how was your day?
Kirby321 posted...
That is a point I can agree with. If you get a double vote, you're practically confirmed town. Until that happens, though, you're nowhere near a priority kill compared to every other claimed town role in the game.

I am not getting night killed by scum no, but getting me lynched while they can would certainly be ideal for them.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
ctesjbuvf posted...
I'm not dying on the hill any more than you are buddy.

Even the lesser rewards are good to get rid off. If I came in today with a double vote, most trash theories against me would fall apart. Scum would not want me confirming myself.
Yet here you are not dying and not confirming
All posters and events depicted in this post are entirely fictitious. Any similarity to actual events or posters, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
ctesjbuvf posted...
It really doesn't sound like mine has that.
I can scan innocent or guilty - ctes probably
All posters and events depicted in this post are entirely fictitious. Any similarity to actual events or posters, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
ctesjbuvf posted...
I am not getting night killed by scum no, but getting me lynched while they can would certainly be ideal for them.

Okay, now I'm just laughing. If you're town, you're nothing more than a mislynch condition for scum to win.

I feel like Ctes has been talking more about how he's town and that it's beneficial to keep him around than actually trying to solve the game.

I know you're gonna get offended when I say your logic is flawed and poor, but quite frankly, I think you are the only player here who thinks your role is better than it actually is. Your role sucks and that's the truth. Your role is not better than Cop, Doctor, or Jailer. Your role is of little consequence to town.

I can't help but think your insistence and narrowmindedness is because you're only interested in self-preservation at this point.

##Vote: Ctes
Kirby321 is 60% epicsauce, 40% epic failure
Soo... how was your day?
Kirby321 posted...
I really don't think it's Ben. But I won't stop a Ben lynch if it happens.

My thoughts are currently 100% invested in trying to figure out who I need to jail tonight. So I'll accommodate to whoever you guys lynch. I already blown all my confidence on the Death shot
Yeah and I can get the result of your roleblock tonight if scum kill you. So please don't support my lynch >_>
[4] Ctes - Blade, MI, (Ulti), Ulti, Kirby
[1] MI - (Kirby), Ben, (Ulti)
[1] Ben - (Ulti), FD
[0] Ulti - (Blade)
[0] Chang - (Ulti)
[0] FD - (Ulti)

With nine alive it takes five to lynch. Day ends Wednesday, May 15th at 6 PM EST
Kirby321 posted...
My thoughts are currently 100% invested in trying to figure out who I need to jail tonight.

I would suggest Chang, personally.

Feel free to use my suggestion as a misdirect and do something else, but Chang has never been blocked, is likely town so the possibility of protection will prevent scum from targeting him, and if he's scum the possibility of being blocked will cause him to be reluctant to send the kill tonight.
~C~ FD
Enchantress posted...
[4] Ctes - Blade, MI, (Ulti), Ulti, Kirby
[2] MI - Kirby , Ben, (Ulti)
[1] Ben - (Ulti), FD
[0] Ulti - (Blade)
[0] Chang - (Ulti)
[0] FD - (Ulti)

With nine alive it takes five to lynch. Day ends Wednesday, May 15th at 6 PM EST

Did you steal Ctes' role and bet on NoKill last night?

~C~ FD
Sure, I'm open to suggestions. I won't respond to them, but I'm open to being influenced. Just be wary of giving scum ideas.
Kirby321 is 60% epicsauce, 40% epic failure
Soo... how was your day?
Kirby321 posted...
Okay, now I'm just laughing. If you're town, you're nothing more than a mislynch condition for scum to win.

I feel like Ctes has been talking more about how he's town and that it's beneficial to keep him around than actually trying to solve the game.

I know you're gonna get offended when I say your logic is flawed and poor, but quite frankly, I think you are the only player here who thinks your role is better than it actually is. Your role sucks and that's the truth. Your role is not better than Cop, Doctor, or Jailer. Your role is of little consequence to town.

You literally just admitted yourself that the double vote would confirm me then I said the same thing and you vote me for it?

I have never claimed to be better than any of those roles, I have only said I have a niche.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
hello all i see ctes is at -1 now

i have been far busier these past two days than i had hoped, both personally and at work and frankly will not have the time to be much more present than this until Friday.

i have spent some time reckoning with the existence of 'vanisher' given that we've murdered almost every vanilla now.

this role must either:


Be faking power (ulti, technically blade though highly unlikely at this stage)

or have a second 'confirmable' power (ctes, ben, fd, igcd though fairly unlikely, kirby though highly unlikely,)

there's definitely a part of me that wants to continuing bashing our heads into the wall and assume that at least one scum must have claimed vanilla, but on the other hand, maybe we murdered the ones that were meant to claim vanilla, and we're left with the ones that are 'confirmable'.

Or maybe there's currently only 1 alive scum player and they kidnapped their own teammate Lopen. In which case we would all do well to remember Red's advice and murder Lopen if he EVER comes back.

Sufficed to say, I don't think Ctes is a bad shot by any means, and frankly I can totally see the Ulti - ctes angle MI is proposing. Something just makes me feel like it's Ben though idk. I didn't like that he was trying to use n1 with me as a defense for himself earlier and neighborizer feels like a weird fit if he isn't keeping any additional secrets about what the role does. unlike everybody else I actually liked the claim better when it had a weird BP or other thing to it

##Vote: Ben
The Artist Formerly Known as Hannyabal
Kirby321 posted...
If you're town, you're nothing more than a mislynch condition for scum to win.

Like this is exactly what I said myself, but also that there is a chance they could lose it, which you yourself agreed to.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
Somehow MI is easily the most justified vote on me now, what a world.

Put me out of misery someone, I would rather be in DTC. This was a lot more fun before you all spent way too much time talking about my role mechanics while blaming me for doing the same thing all while ignoring most of my attempt to engage.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
Kirby321 posted...
I feel like Ctes has been talking more about how he's town and that it's beneficial to keep him around than actually trying to solve the game.

Like this an absolute BS argument to make. I have spent a lot more time than most people and commented on basically everything brought up but almost no one cares to engage with any of of, and just when I thought you left your annoying wrong statements with you yesterday too you come and say this.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
Town is doomed anyways if people only read every other post and make a bunch of statements and conclusions based on it. Blade has done this most of the game. Kirby is doing it. Those can't both be scum basically, most likely neither. Then I wasted my time by ever digging into anything.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
I haven't even been one to suggest I could confirm myself if I got the double vote. Ben was. You agreed to yourself Kirby. Just right now.

Then vote me for agreeing to that while adding that scum would want to mislynch me before the thing you yourself said was confirmable potentially happened.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
ctesjbuvf posted...
I haven't even been one to suggest I could confirm myself if I got the double vote. Ben was. You agreed to yourself Kirby. Just right now.

Then vote me for agreeing to that while adding that scum would want to mislynch me before the thing you yourself said was confirmable potentially happened.

We have to assume there are 3 scum, so the issue is that even if you are town you can't afford to bet your vote again unless we lynch scum today. I still think Ben is our best chance of that happening.
~C~ FD
Come at my fully then, Kirby. What's your theory? You can't reasonably put me at -1 for that alone.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
Forceful_Dragon posted...
We have to assume there are 3 scum, so the issue is that even if you are town you can't afford to bet your vote again unless we lynch scum today. I still think Ben is our best chance of that happening.

Yeah that's true and I agree with it. I would have thrown my vote there it I could.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
ctesjbuvf posted...
I haven't even been one to suggest I could confirm myself if I got the double vote. Ben was. You agreed to yourself Kirby. Just right now.

Then vote me for agreeing to that while adding that scum would want to mislynch me before the thing you yourself said was confirmable potentially happened.
Yeah, this is why I prefer MI now. I can't imagine all of the scum claimed semi confirmable power. Give Ctes another chance to win the double vote.
I am kinda curious to seeing DTC reactions to town following up on a night of no deaths by then getting rid of two innocent scans all while blaming cop for not scanning well enough. It's pretty ironic.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
In some weird set of events, MI somehow has the most sensible vote on me currently. I think the theory is wack but at least there is something there.

I'm not sure what to make of that.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
Board 8 » Community Mafia Topic 17 - A 1 Hour Video Lecture by Guest Professor Turbopuns
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