Anyone here have experience with language learning apps?

Board 8

Dels posted...
It's not like in a video game where it actually lets me fight stronger enemies or be more prepared for the boss.
It literally is though. Jump Here is the boss, and if you can't do it, you level up slowly through each increasingly difficult level. You can and should use Jump Here until you get to your comfort level though. I personally like to go beyond my ability (requires doing Jump Here over and over until you barely scrape by) so that I struggle more with the new lessons, since that feels more productive to me. This is all 100% analogous to an RPG game.

What's nice about the leaderboard is it's multiplayer and encourages more investment week over week, whereas the main content is all singleplayer and only encourages a steady daily 5 min to maintain your streak. I never cared too much about streak (even after getting over like 120) but the leaderboard works for me.
he says listen to my story this maybe are last chance