Which four moms are on the TV Moms Mount Rushmore? (MULTI-DAY MOMMY SPECIAL)

Board 8

KamikazePotato posted...
Kinda hard for me to narrow this down after Marge. The most well-known TV Moms unfortunately don't have a lot of personality diversity.

unfortunately true, which is why i end up going back to cartoons. comedy sitcoms are a good avenue too, Peggy Bundy from Married WIth Children and Lois from Malcolm in the Middle are go-to as well. cartoons however get the benefits of 1, everyone gets a personality and 2, nobody ages so you can do 20+ years and be relevant.

and i'm staying away from anime because while technically they're on TV, it just feels like a different subsection. otherwise ChiChi would totally be up there as well. ...though can't think of many more actually. they're plot devices there but not actual major characters either for a lot of series.
"Maybe it's a tentacle, molesting the planet itself. - Aschen Brodel.