What four restaurants are on the American Casual Chain Restaurant Mt. Rushmore?

Board 8

The nomination for gas stations and this whole topic made me realize that this entire Rushmore thing could be like a scummy business idea like Guinness World Records

you get paid bribes by companies to get some experts together to figure out what the Mount Rushmore of XYZ is and they conveniently include your company. It gets added to an official book of Rushmores that gets published yearly and you maintain a website that puts out press articles

then Shell Gasoline can say in their commercials that they are on the OFFICIAL MOUNT RUSHMORE OF GAS STATIONS

it would be such a great grift and being so overtly patriotic about it makes it funnier
(|| ' ' ||) When have you ever seen three big, very smooth arcs
. /|_|\ of hair sticking out of a person's forehead? I haven't!