Save My X-Men: Day 1 (300 remain) [SMXM]

Board 8

Johnbobb posted...
@Fluttershy_Pony So Penance was actually referring to Monet St. Croix (I'll specify this in the next update) and Speedball was an oversight. I'll add Speedball in the next update and count your vote for Penance for him unless you specify otherwise

That works for me, yeah. Sorry, I'm a bit out of date and didn't realize there was another Penance.

Johnbobb posted...
I'll be honest I'm not sure who this is referring to

Adam-X the X-treme!

Another member of Summers family, he's pure edgelord. His code name is Adam-X, which is cool because it has an X. His other code name is X-Treme because he's EXTREME TO THE MAX. His power is causing people's blood to ignite, burning them from the inside out. He's like a parody of 90s edgelords, only he's meant to be serious. He is terrible and I love him. He's like if Poochie dual-wielded swords and incinerated people.
Currently in the mood to have a signature, though unsure of what.