Save My X-Men: Day 1 (300 remain) [SMXM]

Board 8


Rules say to save someone if they should be in and I can make a vaguely convincing argument that the epitome of 90s edge is iconic enough (albeit in a bad way) that he should be in. <./<

I'm a bit surprised Robbie is listed as Penance instead of Speedball, but I prefer him as Penance so I'm not complaining.

I'm late to saving Spiral, but I'm keeping her there anyway.

i'd ask if this was Xorn or Xorn's twin brother Xorn, but I don't care and just like saying "Xorn's twin brother Xorn" know for that time he was pretending to be Xorn pretending to be Magneto.
Currently in the mood to have a signature, though unsure of what.