Community Mafia Topic 9 - Therapeutical Applications of Nooses

Board 8

I know balance is hard right now.

But we have flips of


Roleblocking Rolecop (insinuates roles to scan)
Doppelganger Framer (insinuates watcher/tracker)

Peaf has claimed Vanilla
I am Vanilla
Kirby Jailkeeper
Mzero Taunter
Ulti some bullshit op claim
Blade action
Chang take over the day and kill people shit

Presumably a votestealer or something for scum
Presumably a kidnapper for scum

The question is based on scum we seen flip... how many Vanilla are we really expecting to see here.
Xbox Live User Name - Corrik PSN User Name - Corrik7
Currently playing: Control (X1)