It's time. Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker playthrough topic

Board 8

Amon is literally the most important Allagan (even more so than Xande, because he was behind resurrecting him) and is directly responsible for nearly every atrocity one of the most long-standing plots in the game committed. Hes the reason behind basically every single Allagan dungeon in the game, including The Binding Coil.

And you misunderstood the shard thing. Amon is a shard of Hermes (who is Fandaniel on the Convocation), just as we are the shard of Azem. Emet raised Amon to full Ascian as happened with Gaias previous life and her former boyfriend, etc. Amon is the one who possessed Asahi and has always been Fandaniel.

The rest Im really not sure what to say to other than it seems youve misunderstood a LOT of what is going on in Elpis including Herms motivation.

Elpis was basically the culmination of 10 years worth of lore payoffs back-to-back-to-back and I find it hard to understand how someone who otherwise has been paying attention to the story so far seems to have missed basically all of it.