It's time. Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker playthrough topic

Board 8

Isquen posted...
Endwalker is great, but there is a lot. A LOT. Of fluff. Like holy shit a lot of fluff. Also, the second visit to Labyrinthos, apart from the reunion with Moenbryda's parents, is boring as hell and no amount of ill-fitting music

lmao yes exactly. I cant believe how much everything came to a screeching halt with this. Just two hours of a never ending slog of fetch quests, finding scientists, hyping them up, when it's like man we're in the third act what even is this. And the entire time its got hype music, even though what I'm doing isnt hype in the least

And also like... I've been taking notes through my journey on the lore and stuff, but like... why was Amon made to be such a big deal here? This random ARR patch background villain that I encountered 3 years ago that I wouldve forgotten about if not for my notes. I get that he's one of the people Fandaniel possessed, but man after you beat him, theres a 20 minute cutscene and he has this giant speech talking about his motivations and it's like... wtf who even are you lmao

In fact lets talk about Fandaniel... so my brain kinda checked out, but from what I can make of it, Ascians got shattered into shards, but only a few Ascians, and Fandaniel is just a title, so his real name is Hermes, and one of his shards went to this random Allagan scientist named Amon, and another went to some random dude in our time, who just randomly decided to possess Asahi's body, and now he's just a little shit who wants to end everything because Hermes was sad his dinosaur died one time, but nobody remembers that because Hermes just happened to have a memory-altering device ready to go just in case? Its all so exhausting

Like I mostly enjoyed Elpis, it's a beautiful location (Endwalker is 4 for 4 with the locations so far holy shit), and I enjoyed Emet Selch and Hythlodaeus, but everything else about it was a giant slog imo

The very first time I got the warning "multiple cutscenes are about to play; please set aside time" was in ARR patch before the red wedding. So whenever I got that warning from then on, I was like "aw shit it's go time". But in Endwalker, EVERY cutscene is multiple cutscenes lol. I'm just tired
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