It's time. Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker playthrough topic

Board 8

Alright i'll preach

Like, man. When the mom and baby jumped in the water to escape the blasphemy, and the next shot was my character diving in headfirst after them with zero hesitation

And then the game is like "here you go now play" and youre swimming underwater. That was ingenious. I was panicking like OH FUCK WHERE ARE THEY

Then you find the mom and shes dead and the baby is missing like OH FUCK

Frantically searching, and baby is at the bottom of the lake - but isnt moving

Then we're like "matsya take this baby while we hold off the enemy"


Matsya running with the baby, and the baby starts to turn dark HOLY FUCK. Then matsya turns dark NOOOOOO. Then matsya starts crying.

Like god damn - i damn near became a blasphemy in real life

Like the world is ending, and the heroes are trying so hard to at least have ONE win today

And they really nailed the futility and dread of it all. Like how is anyone NOT gonna become a blasphemy at this point

But then OUT OF LEFT FIELD YA BOY ESTINIEN, he comes down out the air like ">:] dont worry the scions are here", like fuck yeah
Hey TomNook play me in smash for your account