It's time. Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker playthrough topic

Board 8

On the moon now, and fuck yeah namingway

Also every FF story goes off the rails in the third act and ends up in space somehow, but ff14 is the one where all the lore checks out and it actually makes sense this time lol

The rabbit guys are incredibly silly, but the concept of evacuating the planet on the moon is such a cool concept i aint even mad at it

At first i was like holy shit is this what dawntrail is gonna be? The new planet we discover? But then when they said reflection 1 would die, i was like nah the scions will find a way

The sharlyans are probably the contacts that the rabbits are talking about

Thats why theyre hoarding knowledge and creating a biome. Like holy shitttt

And ya know, they actually prime the player for the space rabbits by giving you a space dog as soon as you get to the moon. Like as soon as i saw the space dog and space cactuars i was like alright whatever happens im immediately on board

Hey TomNook play me in smash for your account