Board 8's Top 20 NES Games - The Results

Board 8

#7. Final Fantasy (1987)
Total Points: 40
List Appearances: 20
First-Place Votes: 1

Write-up provided by tazzyboyishere
While Dragon Quest is the king of JRPGs in their home country, that title is comfortably held by Final Fantasy in the west. The first Final Fantasy has been remade, remastered, and reiterated in excess. It's one of the most revolutionary titles, not just for the genre, but for gaming as a whole. Being able to customize a team of adventurers allows for the chance to experience completely different playthroughs. The story, while fairly simple by todays standards, was unlike anything available on consoles in its era. It even has an unexpected plot twist for anyone somehow able to go into it blind today! The recent pixel remasters are a faithful and accessible way to experience this title, so I highly recommend giving it a whirl of you've somehow yet to play it yet!
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan