Board 8's Top 20 NES Games - The Results

Board 8

Mega_Mana posted...
The only computer game I even came up with was Number Munchers, so I didnt even submit

Paratroopa1 posted...
I didn't submit a list either, I couldn't come up with enough titles.

My list was mostly Commodore 64 games, with a couple exceptions. But that's what I had back then. My parents were anti-console for a very long time, but somehow playing games on a computer was okay.

And there weren't very many universal experiences on C64. Or DOS. Or really anything outside of school edutainment. Other than ports, Prince of Persia was probably the first genuinely successful computer game that I can think of. (Successful is obviously an incredibly relative term here. Does Ultima count? Zork? King's Quest?)

And I just realized Quest for Glory I was 1989. Damn.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.