Board 8's Top 20 NES Games - The Results

Board 8

#8. Contra (1988)
Total Points: 37
List Appearances: 19
First-Place Votes: 0

Write-up provided by tazzyboyishere
Contra is a tricky one to rate, since, at it's corest of forms, it's a brutally challenging experience, with limited lives and 1-hit deaths requiring a pretty high skill level to complete a playthrough. But using cheat codes, or even save states, allows lesser players such as myself to really experience the brilliant action gameplay this title is known for. It divides it's levels into a number of different gameplay types, each requiring a unique skill set and presenting fun action along the way. While the intense punishment for poor play is certainly a barrier to entry, the game does well to reward continued practice of its relentless action sequences. There are few things as satisfying as getting in the zone with Contra or it's many sequels.
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan