Board 8's Top 20 NES Games - The Results

Board 8

Well I feel slightly better seeing the proper version of TMNT Arcade won its respective list. I'm just miffed I didn't put TMNT 3 first, which would have gotten it in - I strongly considered it. I sometimes think it's the best beat 'em up ever, even better than TMNT Arcade. And still seems like a tiebreaker was needed for Ninja Gaiden to get in over it.

I am on the same page with azurac on most of these arcade write-ups:

Rampage and Off-Road were unique in being 3-player games. The upgrading system in Off-Road, in addition to the static overhead view, was really cool and unique, added an RPG-like element.

I don't think it's necessary to include Ms Pac-Man (took Galaga's spot imo) in addition to Pac-Man, but yes Pac-Man was too much of a classic not to give it a point

Contra I think of as more of an NES game, yeah

Final Fight was an honorable mention for me - had it 13th. Really great, early beat 'em up.

Donkey Kong became my favorite old old school arcade game a while back, surpassing Galaga. One of the first real platformers and paved the way for the Mario megafranchise.

Space Invaders was pretty cool and of course necessary for Galaga/other vertical shooters to exist, but I don't think it's aged well

OutRun was way cool and very impressive for the time - I had it 4th. I definitely remember playing in the immersive sit-in version. As a kid I thought driving into the water on purpose was hilarious for some reason.

Absolutely right on TMNT, had it #1 as well - the game that sparked my love of video games at 4/5 years old. If the arcade I was at had it, it was the first game I was playing.


So 6 of my 10 made it, the other 4 being Space Ace, Motos, Galaga and Double Dragon.

I figure not many people of heard of Motos, but it was a really cool 'king of the hill' overhead game where you bully enemies off a platform, with an upgrade system kind of like Off-Road:
azuarc wasn't even home. he was playing Magic the Gathering at his buddy's store, which is extremely easy to verify