Board 8's Top 20 NES Games - The Results

Board 8

#13. Kirby's Adventure (1993)
Total Points: 31
List Appearances: 12
First-Place Votes: 3

Write-up provided by tazzyboyishere
While I would typically recommend playing either Nightmare in Dreamland or the now legally unobtainable 3D Classics version, I can't deny how grand this game truly is. It is huge compared to Kirby's Dream Land, and it uses that size to its advantage by creating deeper and more memorable levels. Kirby controls similarly, but is now able to use different powers from enemies you swallow, which becomes the defining variable to set Kirby apart from other 2D platformers. It's a bit undercooked in this rendition, as the powers themselves are rarely utilized to create unique platforming or combat encounters, but there are some levels where you can do cool things with Wheel or Laser. The other powers do have a tendency to share similar properties, but it can be quite fun to toy with them in spite of this. Plus, there's always the more interesting abilities such as Ball or UFO to inject life into the levels, though you unfortunately can't take UFO out of the level you acquire it in. Even though most of these powers are quite redundant, it LOOKS different, and this game LOOKS incredible. This is probably the best sprite-work on the NES and I'm not sure it's even close. Every level feels unique because of this and it's awesome to see how each piece comes together. And the music absolutely bangs too. But definitely go for the 3DS version if at all possible, the framerate will chug pretty bad on an NES.
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan