[VGMR] Video Game Mount Rushmore Day 5 + Day 4 Finale

Board 8

Board 8 » [VGMR] Video Game Mount Rushmore Day 5 + Day 4 Finale
Today's Theme: Xbox One
Post your favorite game that relates to the theme.

Link to discussion topic: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/8-gamefaqs-contests/80757237

i decided on a different name for my contest.
I realized that i titled this topic wrong

Presvious Days
Day 1: TMNT 3
Day 2: Tekken Advanced
Day 3: Resident Evil: Revelations
Day 4: Mario Kart DS
Day 5: N/A
Devil May Cry 5
I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
If you're gonna scream, scream with me
I don't think you understand what "Mount Rushmore" means
Underleveled posted...
I don't think you understand what "Mount Rushmore" means
Mount Rushmore: a mountion depicting the face of our 4 best presidents.
I plan on making championships for best games once every month to decide what game goes on the Video Game Mount Rushmore Hall Of Fame. I plan on the championships this month to be on May 5th.
Can I have a Cookie?
No? then I'll have to kill you
Board 8 » [VGMR] Video Game Mount Rushmore Day 5 + Day 4 Finale