Luce, Fluttershy, and Raetsel rank 361+ songs [Rankings]

Board 8

The rest of rwlh's songs have preliminary scores & writeups.

Only two eliminations today, there's some stuff Fluttershy really wants to do so we're taking an early night. Now to fix the numbering:

#387: Finger
#386: Makeba
#385: Star Spangled Man
#384: Welcome to the Black Parade
#383: Pandasan Youchien
#382: Telephone's Theme



#381: Lady Gaga/Fiki - Skibidi Bop Yes Yes Yes x Bloody Mary (3:03)
Nominator: @paulg235 [14 Songs Remaining]

Initial Score: 39.48
Final Score: 39.48

(First Reaction: [Before Listening]

I have no idea what this is, but the title leads me to suspect you're aiming to find a legendary 0 point song, that which is so abominable that it cannot be valued at all and is said to just be a myth. I fear to click it.


Well, I don't hate it. I don't think I care for either of this mash up's component songs, but this is... fine? For a childish meme song, it's... not something I have the energy to actively dislike, which puts it above a fair number of other songs.)

I want to type something here, but I also don't. This song is just... something that exists. It's...existent.

[Later: Another very consistent song which I still have nothing to say about.]




Nominator: @Johnbobb [9 Songs Remaining]

Initial Score: 41.14
Final Score: 41.19

(First Reaction: Slow and plodding, though I like some of the instrumental parts here. There's a heavy tone to them that is somewhat pleasing and the heavy, chaotic banging that starts around 4:20-ish is actually nice. I wouldn't want an entire song of that crashing, but used sparingly like this, it is fairly neat. I do wish they varied the banging up a bit.... it kinda feels like the same notes being played on the same schedule, so what starts as a burst of sudden chaos begins feeling rather routine by the end.

I'm fairly neutral about the spoken word sample at the end. I usually go for those, but the audio on it is so low that you can barely hear him and I... well, I'm just not interested in his speech about silence & hearing the dead. I wouldn't say I dislike having the sample at the end, but I didn't care for it either.... it's just sorta there. Which is sadly how I feel about most of the song; I never really dislike it, but the only part I like is the suddenly burst of harsh atonal music & somehow that even begins routine by the end of the song.)

Ehh... it's another long song that I think didn't need to be as long as it is. The fact that it does something I really like (chaotic crashing) and then repeats doing it so often that I become bored is a bit of a mood killer. I'm also not quite getting the spoken word section at the end, which is ultimately rather dull and only serves to drag out a song that had already gone on too long. Which sounds like I hate it, but I don't. It's fine, it's just one of those "this is fine" songs.


I am incessant

I've noticed. Trust me. Either way, I have nothing to really add here. Maybe if it were half the length that it is, but I just find that I grow bored with each component of the song long before it ends and find it difficult to listen to the whole thing as a result. It's novel enough that I don't especially dislike it, but this is about as far as it can go.]



With our apologies, we'll be back tomorrow.
Call me Luce when I'm on this account; or don't. Enjoy your freedom..