Official B8 Political Containment Topic - Fuck Fandom Edition #1

Board 8

Got modded in here.

Reason ModeratedOther Issues - Criminal activity, drug use, cheating in online games, personally identifiable information, etc Interfere with others using the site or otherwise disrupt the site

Note from Moderator Unfortunately, as per the announcement, please refrain from posting political discussions like this on B8.

Moderation Action Notified - No content deletion, user notified

Status Moderated - Content is in violation of site rules

Not Disputable
Suspensions, notifications, and community moderations are not disputable.

You cowards. Put your name to this and let me dispute it. I've got 7000 karma to burn.

e: oh you didn't even delete the post, that's why I can't dispute it. Point stands.
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?