[VGMC] Video Game Music Contest 18: Nominations, Part 2

Board 8

Shame to be taking this one back but there's another Paradise Killer track doing the rounds (genuinely love this song though; good nom)

- Paradise Killer | Leaving | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zb0cIuIJ1Y

+ Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker | Athena, the Tireless One | https://youtu.be/vvX16XoooKY

YEEHAW, score 1 for the bad guys:
+ Left 4 Dead 2 | Swamp Fever Horde Theme | https://youtu.be/nmLlxEqIpiM?si=5jmckZzQiZS3lJhH

The Pizza Formerly Known as CalzoneB