Spring 2024 Game Of The Season Club: GTA 5, Star Wars: KOTOR, DBZ: Kakarot

Board 8

Spring 2024's Games:
Grand Theft Auto 5
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot

What is Game of the Season Club?

Game of the Season is a community project based upon the Game of the Month Club. Much like the GOTM Club, it's open to all B8ers where users share, discover, play and/or discuss a bonus chosen game every season. The three games featured each season are chosen by YOU the users (and Lady Luck).

The Basics

- Each season will usually feature three games that were chosen via a random drawing from a pool of games that users nominated

- For each of the games you beat you get a cool point on our just-for-fun standings as well as a nomination for next season's randomized drawing

- In order to receive the point and nomination, you must beat said game within the three months of the season in question. However, you can get a point but no nomination even if you beat it a season late.

- If you beat one of the current season's games in the previous month, you can apply for a "recently beaten waiver," but you will only receive a point and no nomination should you do so. Note that I used the word "month" here on purpose; the previously beaten waiver isn't for a whole season.

- Drawing for next season will begin around a week or so before the season ends, give or take.

- If you periodically keep us posted on your progress and/or talk about different aspects of the games, then everyone will think you are super awesome!

Nomination Rules

- You get one nomination automatically each season
- You receive additional nominations each season for beating one of the featured games
- The same game can't win twice
- Each game must be a standalone game that can be acquired and played on its own (aka cannot be DLC/expansion that requires the base game)
- Nominations only carry over if you beat a featured game after the drawing for next season's game but before the end of the season
- You have 3 supports you can use throughout the year. Your only limitations are that you can't support your own nomination, and you can only use one support per game per season

The tl;dr is that it's the game of the month club, but seasonal, and you can complete a game late and still get a point because the goal here is to make completing super long games stress free.

Thanks to KCF0107 for giving permission for the GOTM Club Replay topic to exist. Most of the rules of the Replay Topic are the same as the GOTM club. If you're wondering what the Game of the Month Club is, here's the link to the current club; https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/8-gamefaqs-contests/80659929

@Seanchan @KCF0107 @Mauron @Cody11533 @ctesjbuvf @MZero

For Fun Standings:
Mauron 2
Seanchan 1

Winter 2024's Games which can be still beaten for points in this topic:
Final Fantasy 15
Fae Tactics
Persona 5

Dokkan Battle ID :3175154559 JPN Dokkan Battle ID 1270165763
Dragon Ball Legends ID brggv8m3