Board 8 Watches and Ranks Art Films: Sign-Ups + Future Planning

Board 8

A word of caution:

This is a list not for the faint of heart, with the majority of the movies being longer than the 90 minute mark and several that are not quite what you'd call excessible. However even among this elite company one film stands out as by far the longest and the slowest. That film is Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080, Bruxelles.

And while I feel it would been inexcusable to omit the Sight & Sound Greatest Film of All Time from a list of art films, I do think that having a plan to tackle Jeanne Dielman will increase your chances of completing the list. Get it out of the way early or save it until you're almost done and don't have to worry about losing your nerve anymore. Jeanne Dielman is a unique, challenging, and purposeful film, but I promise the whole list isn't like this!
I'm playing every game from GotD 2020! Games Completed: 20/129
(Currently on Hiatus)