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Board 8

Board 8 » Link to Current Events Board
I managed to get in before it went hidden.
Hope I won't get reported for this : )

Don't worry, I used the politics tag.
"join the mafia, we're themed after Toy Story characters"
What do you mean it's hidden?
It's not really hidden, it just got shoved into a hole like LUE. It used to be labelled as a social board which is one of the default board categories but now it's under private boards.

I think the old "Special Social Boards" (YSB, ZSB, etc.) are probably more hidden despite not having any entry requirements I know of. Not sure they even have a category/are listed, but not 100% sure on that.
May you find your book in this place.
Formerly known as xp1337.
Ah, private boards. I used to enjoy TWSS but I no longer have access to the account I was on there with. :(
Board 8 » Link to Current Events Board