Rate the Ace Attorney case: Turnabout Countdown (5-1)

Board 8


I thought about giving it a 2 but at least it's not boring to play, really. The in media res thing doesn't work at all, it just makes things confusing. I thought Apollo was injured at the start of the case, but then, he gets injured midway through the case, and it's like - I don't know, I just felt confused by it? Like, wait, was Apollo involved in the bombing? Was that here? When was that? I dunno I just felt confused.

It's also weird that Athena starts this case but just totally loses her shit even though she managed to handle 5-3. I mean, I know anxiety attacks are a hell of a thing, but it kinda sucks that Athena basically hasn't had the chance to overcome her fear because Phoenix steps in and takes the spotlight again. It's nice to see Phoenix return to court, I guess. I do like Ted Tonate and I like Phoenix calling his bluff at the end. I like Bum Rap Rhiny and Phony Phanto. I dunno, there is some stuff to like, but it's not a very memorable case.