Board 8 Watches and Ranks 80s Horror - Pt. 2: 80s Revenge

Board 8

Quick Stephen King Ranking:

  1. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
  2. Doctor Sleep (2019)
  3. The Mist (2007)
  4. The Green Mile (1999)
  5. The Stand (TV-1994)
  6. The Shining (1980)
  7. Storm of the Century (TV-1999)
  8. It (2017)
  9. It (TV-1990)
  10. Carrie (1976)
  11. 1408 (2007)
  12. Mr. Mercedes (TV-2017-2019)
  13. Stand By Me (1986)
  14. The Dead Zone (1983)
  15. The Running Man (1987)
  16. Under the Dome (TV-2013-2015)
  17. Needful Things (1993)
  18. The Shining (TV-1997)
  19. The Tommyknockers (TV-1993)
  20. Rose Red (TV-2002)
  21. The Langoliers (TV-1995)
  22. Secret Window (2004)
  23. Dreamcatcher (2003)
  24. The Dead Zone (TV-2002-07)
  25. Christine (1983)
  26. The Dark Half (1993)
  27. The Stand (TV-2020-2021)
  28. Firestarter (1984)

Haven would be somewhere in the late teens if I watched more of it, possibly higher.
"DiGiorno's for the oven, Totino's for the microwave... and the memories are for us." - Angela Giarratana