Rate the Ace Attorney case: The Forgotten Turnabout (E2-4)

Board 8

E2-3 - 9.5
E2-4 - 7

forgot to rank yesterday's, which is a shame because it really is one of the best cases in the series. imagine destroying case 3 syndrome so decisively! my feelings on shields changed pretty quick. his younger self is so cute! and him bonding with both edgeworths ... yeah, im a fan! almost everyone else shines in this case. this is exactly how i imagined gregory to be like and i couldn't be happier to play as him. gustavia is such a great/awful villain and constantly had me going "i feel bad for you ... nevermind ... actually no i do feel a bit bad ... actually, nevermind." after all, dover is a total asshole too. everyone else was great too, except maybe larry, but at least he was bearable.

also, and i cannot stress this enough, the image of manfred von karma dramatically emerging from a willy wonka ass chocolate castle is peak comedy. beautiful.

e2-4 is a little harder for me to place. like the first aai title, this one has five cases that make up one bigger mystery, and this one really really feels like it. maybe its because the victim of e2-5 is literally spitting distance from this case's setting ... anyhoo ...

i think what drags this case down is the set up. i said the amnesia in the lost turnabout didn't bother me, because if any case is going to have a dumb amnesia plot, it would be a silly tutorial. I think if kay just had short term memory loss, id vibe better. the nurse/doctor characters took some time getting used to too... the slapstick routine is certainly something.

this case really feels like set up for the next one. it is nice to see courtney get some development, but of course we aren't done with her yet. blaise is a chilling antagonist, but of course we aren't done with him either! kay's story is also unresolved. edgeworth turning in his badge was a great moment too! hope it reaches a satisfying conclusion. this game was great so far, one of the best in the series!