Rate the Ace Attorney case: The Forgotten Turnabout (E2-4)

Board 8

Para's memory is better than mine but I assume I felt similarly. From what I remember, I really didn't like this case. And what's odd is that compared to stuff like mediocre DD cases or AAI1 cases where "didn't like" means "I was bored / not invested", I mean I think I actively disliked this one. Everything about it just felt "off". I don't remember why in particular.

Part of it is likely due to the "pacing" - E2-4 is a " short case ." Nevermind that it's still longer than a ton of non-finale cases from before the series got bloated pacing, in context of this game it is filling the "4th case" slot which tend to be short cases. But this case tries to do a lot , if any case deserved more time it'd be this one! But from what I recall, the murder mystery was lame and then everything with Blaise felt like it kinda came out of nowhere. I mean I get he was probably the climax of the "you're losing your badge!!!" plot but we hadn't met him and then we did and then he's taken out and idk it just didn't feel right ever.