Rate the Ace Attorney case: Turnabout Reminiscence (E1-4)

Board 8


I liked it more the first time I played it, probably just because it had any level of intrigue to it after the rest of an otherwise boring game - but on replay it felt really weak. The murder is just not interesting at all - the case starts with this premise of two people killing each other, and the game takes a really long time pulling this apart to absolutely no end because they didn't kill each other and the whole thing is just a red herring. I like that the Judge is in this case as a witness, which is really fun and remains a one-off novelty to this day, but the whole thing with the gunshot really being a balloon popping is silly, it's like Ace Attorney for kids stuff. The overarching plot that this is leading to is all super boring. Young Franziska is kind of funny but the re-use of young Edgeworth here does nothing for me. I like Calisto Yew but there just isn't a lot going on here. It's kind of a slog.