Board 8 Watches and Ranks 80s Horror - The Rankings

Board 8

Evilordexdeath - My mom used to sometimes quote "Where's my cake Bedelia?" at random and I never knew before today that it was from this. I think I've seen parts of the middle segment with the two people's heads sticking out of the sand, too. This movie sucks, but I suppose the popularity of its screenwriter has given it some presence in pop culture. This is an anthology film paying homage to old horror comic magazines using five of Stephen King's more half-baked stories. To be fair, there is a certain authenticity to that format, where the limited print space and the authors being less experienced often leads to some pretty silly, insubstantial narratives. The first two in particular don't work even beyond how cheesy they are because you just don't get enough time to know the characters for the "spooky" death scenes to have any kind of meaning. I actually thought the third and fourth stories were alright. The third one, where Leslie Nielsen murders two people by burying them up to their heads in sand and waiting for the tide to come in, is probably the closest the collection comes to being scary because the situation has a bit more reality to it - though it is in my opinion let down a little by and ending where, like the other parts, some dumb horror thing happens for no good reason. The fourth part has a weak-willed academic murder his wife using an abominable snowman his friend accidentally unleashes from an old box in the school basement, and the wife is sufficiently obnoxious that you kind of get where he's coming from. This interests me more as a story because it's built around the choices the characters make while most other parts are driven by the random spooky stuff that happens. Some of the practical effects are cool, particularly the ending of the last story where a man's corpse bursts from the seams with cockroaches, and I liked the stylistic choices like the animated intro and the comic book pages turning between stories, and sometimes it's mildly amusing in a dumb way but I'm just really not into this kind of goofy ultra-cheesy horror themed comedy and was waiting for this one to end.

Plasmabeam - Being a Stephen King fan, I know all about how he was influenced by the Tales from the Crypt comic books as a kid. Sadly this Crypt-inspired collection of stories falls flat for me. The only remotely interesting tale here is the one where people get buried up to their necks at the beach, and thats not enough to elevate the rest.

Johnbobb - This is listed as a horror comedy but so far it's been less funny than most of the non-comedies on this list. This really could've benefitted from some more time in the editing room; I like Leslie Nielsen but the process of "he kills a guy, guy comes back and kills him" didn't need to take half on hour. Weirdly the first story felt the shortest, despite having the most happen; it decided to end on an amiguous freeze frame while other stories spent just so long on obvious conclusions. It's just a shame the stuff happening there was stupid and poorly executed. Biggest surprise here was Stephen King; I've seen him appear in movies based on his works in cameo roles a couple times, but never in a main role like this. Jordy's story is the one that most feels like a horror comedy short story and he's not a great actor but he was at least entertaining. Lonesome Death of Jordy > The Crate > Something to Tide You Over > Father's Day

Rockus - Horror anthology films are often a crapshoot and Creepshow is no different. It starts out pretty rough with the first two shorts being pretty bad. The second one with Stephen King turning into some kind of alien plant is the low point. Its dull and Stephen King gives one of the worst performances Ive seen in ages. It picks up a little with the Ted Danson and Leslie Nielson short, the characters feel kind of thin but Danson and Nielsons performances fill them out and it has a memorable climax. The next section is also okay. It has some campy monster fun. The last short isnt really that exciting or interesting as a horror, though the final shot is pretty strong, but E. G. Marshall is so good as a mean selfish rich germaphobe that it still ends up being pretty enjoyable.
I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
If you're gonna scream, scream with me