Board 8 Watches and Ranks 80s Horror - The Rankings

Board 8

Bitto - Rating: D+

Yeah, that certainly was a movie. There's some good stuff in here. I think the movie being in black-and-white is pretty neat. When blood spills, it's black so it kinda looks like oil spurts instead. There's some...oddball WarioWare-esque humor in here, like the woman laughing on TV or the choppiness of the chase scenes or the sound effects. It actually works kinda well. I want to like this movie more. It's just really difficult for me to care about anything when it's this abstract. Like, the guy's girlfriend dies after getting on his drill penis. OK? Did she actually die? I don't know! If she did die, am I supposed to care? I don't know anything about this woman, other than she enjoyed having sex with this man and she makes metal noises when she eats.

Jcgamer107 - 3/10

Plasmabeam - Its wild and visually electrifying, but who cares? Nothing about the story or its characters did anything for me, and despite the brief run time, I was begging for this one to end.

Lightning - That sounds interesting.

Oh boy, where to start with this one. I suppose that this is a film where I fully recognise a lot of the craft and meaning behind it, as well as appreciate some of the style. Unfortunately I found it pretty unpleasant, almost nauseating, to actually watch. That is likely the purpose of the film but maybe it works a little bit too well.

There are a lot of interesting aspects here, and it does seem to be making the same kind of commentary that Videodrome and The Fly are about the melding of humans with technology. As technological advances increased pace in the 1980s so too did commentary on what it does to our lives. There are also a lot of nice stylistic touches here. In particular I was quite fond of the way the car collision near the start was shot and set to gentle, jazzy music. David Lynchs influence here is obvious. The story is very simple but told in a way that makes it difficult to comprehend but also satisfying to think about. The effects and the low-fi look make the whole thing more effective.

Unfortunately those gnarly effects and images are what made me mostly just wish for this film to be over. It was all a bit too much, and I think the lack of colour and detail only lets your mind add to it. There is definitely something here for people who are into films that are both incomprehensible and nasty. Overall however this was not one of the best on the list.


Inviso - I have not had the greatest success when it comes to these horror lists and Japanese movies. I have managed to sit through almost every movie on the list thus far (Tetsuo being the last one I watched) without feeling squeamish at the grotesque amount of gore and body horror on display. But this one managed to gross me out in the first five minutes. Its just a never-ending sequence of metal being inserted into people or welded onto people, and something I think Ive learned after watching this film and a few othersI REALLY dont like seeing human faces makeupped into part of a larger whole. Seeing the guys face sticking out from this mass of metallic shrapnel made me more squeamish than some of the outright blood and guts this movie has had to offer.

Beyond that though, this movie is a mess from a technical standpoint. Theres a ton of shaky cam and a bunch of seizure-inducing quick cuts to obscure the stop motion I guess. And then you have the score, which is just ear-raping metallic and electrical noise. Not music; just NOISE. And its so loud and it goes on (along with pained screaming) throughout the majority of the film. Nothing about this movie was enjoyable, and the one thing I will give it credit for is that the plot seemed simple enough? Guy has a car accident with someone turning into a metal monster, and he gets infected and starts transforming himself. In the hands of a better filmmaker, this could be good (particularly since we had several superior transformation horror films on this list), but I did not enjoy this even at a paltry runtime of sub-seventy minutes.

Fortybelowsummer - You know the Side Eye Chloe meme? I feel like thats what my face looked like the whole time I was watching Tetsuo. Ive never seen anything so experimentally raw, jarring, and bizarre. If youre looking for the plot here, its going to be difficult to decipher because its far from conventional. Basically, its two guys that cross paths and theyre turning into metal and then they merge and try to turn the world into metal \m/. I believe its about industrialization and mans relationship with technology. I respect the imaginative sound design, the originality, and the Lynchian-cyberpunk visuals, but is it an enjoyable experience? Overall, no. Even at a little over an hour it felt like an assault on the senses that was going on for too long. By the end I felt like Id been worked over by a giant penis drill, and Im not knocking it if thats what youre into but its just not for me.

Karo - Far as I can tell, this is about a japanese salaryman accidentally running over a metal demon and getting cursed or something to all his body parts slowly turning mechanical?

This nonsensical and headache-inducing mess feels weird just for weird's sake and is not helped by a cameraman who keeps having a seizure on set. I cannot understand half the movie, nor do I even want to understand it and its carnival of mindless grotesquery that has about as much to say as your average porno.

It's not even exceptionally scary because one, it is very hard to tell what is going on thanks to incompetent cinematography and editing, and two, it has a penchant for out of place silliness. When the penis drill happened I just couldn't take the movie seriously any more, I mean come on are you fucking 12 or something.

Tetuso is one of the most thoroughly unpleasant experiences I've ever had watching a movie, and even though it had the shortest runtime in the project it was still way too long.
I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
If you're gonna scream, scream with me