Board 8 Watches and Ranks 80s Horror - The Rankings

Board 8

26. Pet Sematary (1989 / 261 points)
Directed by: Mary Lambert / Screenplay by: Stephen King
Why Its Significant - Based on the classic Stephen King novel, the film preys on the primal fear of losing a loved one, particularly a child, and the desperation that can cloud judgment. Pet Sematary forces us to confront the monstrous potential that lurks within us all when driven by grief. Unlike slashers or supernatural entities, the true horror in Pet Sematary comes from the corruption of innocence when Gage becomes a monstrous shell of his former self. The film is also a prominent example of a female directed horror film, being directed by Mary Lambert (most well known otherwise for directing several Madonna music videos & modern day Netflix Christmas movies) and was a decent box office hit. Well-referenced, well-quoted (sometimes dead is better), and it received a sequel also directed by Lambert, remake in 2019, and prequel to the remake released in 2023.

The Rankers
Jcgamer107 - 5
Johnbobb - 11
Inviso - 15
Fortybelowsummer - 16
Snake - 17
Evilordexdeath - 19
Karo - 20
Plasmabeam - 21
Lightning - 25
Rockus - 25
Seginustemple - 27
Bitto - 30
Mythiot - 30

Jcgamer107 - 7/10

Johnbobb - The semi truck scene might honestly be the most unintentionally hilarious horror movie scene I can think of. I mean, the screams, the truck driving absurdly fast through a residential area, the man letting his baby play unattended 10 feet from the highway, the same man unable to sprint after a baby that can barely walk, the faceplant. It just has everything. That being said, I do legitimately like this movie a good bit. For how silly a lot of it is, it's also legitimately creepy and weird and campy and nothing if not memorable. Also Pet Sematary by the Ramones is a fuckin jam

Inviso - So yeah, the worst things to happen in this movie were all Juds fault right? I mean, sure, having your family live directly on a road where tanker trucks blaze past without any regard for speed limitsthats asking for trouble. But really, once the cat died, that shouldve been it. You saw how monstrous your dead dog turned out, and how the zombie guy led to the complete burning down of a housejust let Ellie learn that death is a natural thing, thats the end of it. But yeah, he brought Louis to the titular Pet Sematary and showed him its resurrection power, which meant when Gage got run over by a truck, what kind of father WOULDNT try to bring his young son back to life? And now everyone is dead.

Seriously though, this movie had an interesting concept, but I cant help but feel it was a little TOO close to Stephen Kings standard writing style (you know, random ghosts for no reason, random premonitions for no reason) to work perfectly. The subplot of a guy dying in the hospital under Louis watch, but he respects Louis from trying to help, so he wants to help toI dont GET it? But at the same time, I do appreciate the slow, creeping horror of resurrecting the cat, but its an evil cat, and then shit hits the fan with Gage getting hit by a truck (under freak circumstances), and Louis sends his family away so he can do what must be done in peace. I will say, the brief period of time when zombie Gage is running around murdering people with childlike gleeprobably the best part of the film. If we got more of that, or more of a slow burn on Gages resurrection, I think Id like this more. As it stands, its just a LITTLE too slow paced in getting to the good part.

Fortybelowsummer - I dont wanna be buried in a pet sematary (sorry johnbobb). Pet Sematary (1989) would be pretty solid if it were just the movie. It has enough skin crawling moments to make it serviceable. Unfortunately, the book exists, and I cant help but make the comparison even if I try not to. So, say I look past things like how Louis and Juds relationship is fleshed out, the silliness of Gage, and the botched ending (at least better than the 2019 one). Im still left with wooden acting (other than Fred Gwynne, cant hate on him), poor direction, and a plot that doesnt capture the nuance of the written story. It just doesnt feel as anxious and suspenseful as it should. Still, though, it does have that chilly autumnal vibe thats so appealing. Church and Zelda are classic creepy, and the Jud death is all-timer. I realize reading back through this that it comes off as conflicted (does he like it or not?) but I guess it captures my feelings about it. Not bottom of the barrel and there is enough here to like, but sometimes, book is better ayuh.

Snake - A mid-tier King adaptation - which means at the very least it has those cozy nostalgic vibes I love with a strong premise carrying it throughout. Its exploration of grief and the desperate lengths love can push us to is appropriately melancholy and given a lot of quiet room to breathe while the film builds dread throughout. Then Gage returns and things go haywire, leading to what I think is one of the most memorable climaxes in the King canon. I dont really have anything negative to say except for the fact that the film plays everything pretty straight-forward without any real shocks or twists I feel. Its just super focused on the grief aspect and thats great but I think it lacks a certain something special that makes it a favorite for me. Made for one of the best Ice Nine Kills tracks though.

Evilordexdeath - I think I have five writeups detailing my feelings toward Stephen King as a writer already, so instead of repeating myself yet again I'll say I liked this one more than expected. I feel like I'll even end up rating it higher than it deserves. This is the second-last movie on the list and the only film I watched to break up the last 28 was Pokmon Movie 05: Mizu no Miyako no Mamorigami Latias to Latios (which I rank as my honorary #16,) so I'm kind of going insane at this point. I'm so sick of dumb-ass, corny-ass T.V. movie-tier horror that the fact this one spends almost an hour building up and letting you get to know characters before it turns into that makes it almost refreshing. Fred Gwynne is great in this.
I've decided to put my fears behind me. I'm not going back.
If you're gonna scream, scream with me