Board 8 Watches and Ranks 80s Horror - The Rankings

Board 8

Fortybelowsummer - This was the first horror movie I saw as a kid so its immensely important to me. I dont think its an exaggeration to say that it was a life altering event that, along with discovering Stephen King, made me a horror fan. That being said, its not exactly a great movie. A number of the sequels are better, mainly because, yknow Jason is actually the killer in them. The dialogue and acting are quite bad and theres no real plot as it segues from one kill to the next. But does that really matter with a movie like this? Not really, and if youre down with some boobs and blood (courtesy of the GOAT Tom Savini) then youre in for a good time. Spawning 11 other movies, a tv series, games, and mountains of merchandise, its certainly the standard bearer for the slasher genre and an all-time classic.

I do admit I also have kind of a similar relationship with the movie in where I thought I liked it up until this topic because or warm fuzzy memories from my high school days. My wife and I still watch bad horror movies every Halloween, and one of the first ones we saw together was this!

No sentimentality from me though this was awful to watch on my repeat viewing. But I at least get the desire to be like "this wasn't a great movie but eh it was important" because I had the same thought.
"I thought you were making up diseases? That's spontaneous dental hydroplosion."