Board 8 Watches and Ranks 80s Horror - The Rankings

Board 8

Hey! That was the one I was hoping would die! I saw 16 movies and this one was 16/16 by a huge margin. Here's my full write up if anyone wants to read it:

16) Friday the 13th D

This movie was fucking wild. I have only seen this one time back in high school, so I remembered the general plot and Kevin Bacon getting a spear through his throat. I also remember liking it, but I think that mightve just been because I was around cute girls at the time and was tricked into thinking it was enjoyable. I feel like that is the only way to watch this movie. With friends as you loudly laugh and talk through it with several bowls of popcorn and copious amounts of alcohol. Watching this alone, and sober, is fucking harrowing. This is a genre classic? Do I actually hate horror? Those were the sort of thoughts I was having while watching this, which is a bad sign.

There were two, maybe two and a half things I actually liked about this. The first was Crazy Steve or whatever his name was. That guy had better comic timing than most of the actual comedy movies we just watched. I laughed way too hard and him rambling about nonsense and then the gruff trucker guy going SHUT THE HELL UP CRAZY STEVE NOBODY LIKES YOU even though he was literally just repeating the same sort of stuff they were telling hitchhiker girl in the diner. Or him popping out of the pantry? How long was he standing in there? I get that was supposed to be a jump scare but I laughed out loud at the thought of him just sort of standing in there going jeez I hope someone opens the pantry door soon. That guy was an unintended comedic delight, A++ work Crazy Steve.

The second is the twist and the performance of Jasons mom. I feel like thats the one thing people actually remember about the movie. Its the only interesting thing about it, at least. You have all these creepy stalking shots throughout the movie and there is a sort of expectation as to what youre getting from a movie like this, so the killer being this old woman is actually kind of interesting. I think that little bit where you can tell shes just sort of insane and is talking to Jason while the last girl panics in the background, thats like the thirty seconds of the movie where I was like actually you know, maybe this isnt so bad. The actress for Jasons mom is pretty good too or maybe I only thought that because everyone else is terrible. Still, that was the highlight of the movie for me and is probably what helped spawn this into a successful horror movie franchise.

The twist of the killer being Jasons mom works and is probably the most (and only?) interesting thing about the movie, but they didnt really end the movie when they shouldve. The last quarter of the movie is borderline elder abuse. There are like eight different scenes here that couldve freeze framed and the dialogue from a Life Alert commercial couldve started playing and nothing wouldve felt out of place. The final girl beats the shit out of Jasons mom no fewer than four times. The actress who plays Jasons mom is in her mid 50s and they play it like shes a woman in her mid 50s which is interesting thematically but less so in practice. Seeing her stumble around into repeated ass whoopings at the hands of the person were supposed to be afraid for is a great way to drain any horror that was left down to zero. Jasons mom gets knocked out by a fucking frying pan which is less something that should happen to the main villain in a horror movie and more something that Bugs Bunny should do to Elmer Fudd. Imagine if at the end of the Babadook the mom hit it with a frying pan and the Babadook just fell over. The final girl chops off Jasons moms entire fucking head with a single swipe, which leads me to believe that head was hanging on by a thread in the first place. There are ways to make Jasons mom actually scary, but all of them involve getting trapped in an elevator with her seconds after someone asked her to give a detailed opinion on affirmative action.
"I thought you were making up diseases? That's spontaneous dental hydroplosion."