Rate the Ace Attorney case: Turnabout Succession (4-4)

Board 8


First of all, Brushel's design and mannerisms makes me think he should be the subject of one of those WarioWare minigames where you have to tickle some guy's nose 20 times in two seconds to get him to sneeze. He makes me feel so uncomfortable and I love it.

I waffled a bit on what verdict to give this trial. I think it suffers from a game named after Apollo Justice. Phoenix and Klavier practically remove the titular character from the game, as they have more stakes in the trial. I'm kind of able to ignore this in hindsight, but I remember it being disappointed when this was the latest entry in the franchise.

In addition to Brushel, I like the new characters/the new developments to past characters. Vera is a character I can relate to. Social situations make me uncomfortable, but its easier for me to express myself through my special interests and artwork. Kristoph continues to be great/awful. Those black psyche-locks were positively chilling and so was his breakdown. I didn't really like the Perceive section of his final testimony, but besides that ... I even like the Gramayres with all their drama. Is this kind of derivative of Turnabout Big Top? Maybe, but idc. Speaking of, when Phoenix has PTSD over Valiant's "bust" I laughed probably the hardest during this game.

But when it comes to the bad - I don't like most of 4-0 all too much. Gumshoe was especially mean (like why bro you literally risked your life for Phoenix and/or Maya like four times at this point....) and it kind of .... bugs me how quick it almost seemed to go by? Phoenix's acceptance of the forged evidence just seems so wild after all we've been through.

The Mason system is cool from a gameplay standpoint, but it really requires suspension of disbelief to really grasp it in universe. Imagine carrying a piece of evidence for seven years in your pocket.... Imagine presenting a piece of evidence from the modern day to a character in the past .... But whatever, I managed to overlook a lot of stupid things because this series is a little stupid!

I also find the Apollo backstory/plot twist unnecessary. It almost feels like they forgot to make him relevant and then tried to course correct last minute ... Phoenix saying in the ending that he will do his best to raise both Apollo and Trucy almost .... almost makes up for it.

I think because I'm able to think on the bright side even with stuff I don't like is why I'm able to rank this so high. Thank you Wesley Stickler for not showing up for this one.